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Hi all, your friendly, neighborhood Burrito here to give a lil announcement. These will affect the Burrito Dinner and Tex Mex tiers, but if you are not one of those, stick around because I might still have some interesting information for you.

First on the docket, Burrito Dinner tier is going to be getting a few more slots. I haven't decided on exactly how many yet, but keep your eyes open for that if you've been waiting to nab one.

Secondly, Tex Mex Buffet is going to be undergoing two changes;

1. While the price is going to remain the same, after this month, each reward will only be flat color. This will improve my productivity and help me get your rewards to you faster.

2. You will still be able to get shading done, but it will require an extra payment and will only be useable once every three months, non-cumulative. Background upgrade will still be available without extra payment as its own reward.

I will deliver more information on these changes closer to November, but I also plan to open a few more slots for the Tex Mex tier as well. I hope you all will take advantage.

I am still working on commissions, as I said before. If you have not received your commission yet, it will be in the fourth and final batch.

Patreon exclusives may be a bit slow while I get back into a solid work flow, but I'm going to be getting back to weekly streams next Friday moving forward.

Themed commission slots will be opening closer to December, I have a few ideas for them such as a naughty or nice theme, and a full reindeer team, so hope you're excited for that! No group photo this time, but I may still be able to do gift commissions.

Lastly, I want to thank you all for your continued support. It really does mean the world to me, and I want to continue to deliver the poof that you guys like to see so much and that I love to draw~


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