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Couldn't help but notice that quite a few new people have pledged ^^ Thank you all very very much, I sincerely appreciate all of you~

While I work on more thick, poofy diapers for your viewing pleasure, I do have a Discord server where you can hang out and chat, make friends, talk about poofy padding, and other stuff!

I sometimes host game days, Discord art streams, we have a Minecraft server, and while Patreon Exclusive art isn't posted there, it is a far more streamlined way to view all of my art early.

Feel free to message me on here or comment below with your Discord tag if you are interested, and I'll shoot you an invite when I'm able to!



Mine is RoboCoyote#9105, would love to meet new people!


I just pledged cuz your work i love Who wouldn't like to see poofy diapers


I'd be interested, been a patron for a bit MrMoonMoo#3515


I'm interested so I'll drop my discord: Salem💜 #9094


Hrmm, it doesn't seem to be working. Are you sure that that is the correct spelling of your tag?


It's salem 💜#9094 unless you want to give me yours


I typically don't hand my own tag out, but in this instance, I can't get yours to work. BurritoKitten#8307