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Hey all! So after giving this much thought, I've decided that it's time to unveil what I hope to be my final tier! The Endless Tex Mex Buffet, because sometimes you just have to dive in pamp first! ^^ Some things to note before anything else.

This tier will become available tomorrow. This is to ensure that anyone who wishes to claim a slot will not get double charged. That is another thing, there will only be 5 slots, and they will be first come first serve. Lastly, I do not plan to ever open for more slots, though there is a possibility that that will change in the future. But I hear you, wondering what you'll get if you claim it, so let me get on with that!

In this tier, you'll receive everything from the previous tiers, with a small but meaningful tweak. Monthly Sketch will be replaced with a Monthly Commission. Each month you will receive a fully shaded piece of your choosing from me. I will be a bit more strict on what you'll be able to go with as far as amount of characters and scenarios, but I am still very lenient on what is allowed. The piece can be upgraded once to include a full Background, giving you a full piece in only two months.

The Price will be set at $45 usd, Which I believe is more than fair, considering you still receive all of the previous benefits. That's 66 dollars over 2 months for a full commission, way below my usual prices, even with discounts. Heck, even if you include the full $90 usd over 2 months for this tier total, that's still under my full commission prices. However, I know that $45 every month is quite a commitment for some of you, so please do not make this decision lightly. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to message me, I'm really not a scary burrito~ ^^



While I would love to support this, I think I'll have to stick with the Burrito Dinner tier for now. I know those slots will be snapped up in a flash though, and I wish luck to those wishing to snap up the 5 slots.