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Duino Duck! Congratulations my friend, your suggestion of a fashion show was simply too much fun to pass up! You've won the first slot, and it will be your own choice which one you want to take. Everyone else, look forward to a padded fashion show, starring the colorful, crinkly designs of yours truly~

One thing to keep in mind is this is a YCH in a very loose interpretation. Plenty of you have OCs with varying different body types, and I can't plan around it for all of you, but I will do the best I can with the situation given to me. I'll be working on this as much as I can, though I do have a wedding to go to this Friday... no, not mine, one of my childhood friends

So with that said, among other things, this week's stream will be moved ahead actually, to tomorrow, Thursday 27th at 5:00 PM CST. Hope to see you guys there ^^



Can't WAIT :3