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Star Trek TNG 1x16 Full Reaction

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Ian Smith

I'm in agreement with everyone...the old age make-up just screams "major plot point coming up!!" I've also always been disappointed that the writers didn't have the courage to give Jamieson's physical journey a logical ending, by having him regress to babyhood. Apparently 27 is the age where his body can't cope any longer. Two pieces of scriptwriting trivia: Dorothy Fontana (veteran TOS writer) was responsible for the war storyline,as she felt there needed to be additional conflict (very wisely!); the principle writer (Michael Michaelian)was one of the lead writers (and producers) of the 80s Classic,The Dukes of Hazzard. Talk about creative versatility! *Edit: Michael Michaelian's former wife (Katherine Michaelian Powers) wrote 'Code of Honor', (ep. 3 of this season ). She also wrote for DS9

Josef Schiltz

Isn't it amazing what these vitamins can do!