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Classic Who - "The Invasion of Time" Part 1/2 Full Reaction

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Joe Crammond

my first doctor who full reaction video as a patreon, i'll be honest i prefer seeing the doctor who stuff in the reaction but guessing over time i'll get used to it


This is one that you're either going to adore or despise, with no middle ground. The budget issues from the last story are still there, and Baker is at his most potentially annoyingly hammy. Personally, I love it. The decision to just drop us into the middle of the Doctor's plan with no idea why he's acting this way is a bold move that pays off, as it's clear we're supposed to find it as surprisingly out of character as the Time Lords themselves do, and you know you'll find out the reason eventually, so if you're on board enough with Baker giving the most bug-eyed over the top performance of any Doctor ever, you don't mind waiting for that answer.

Joe Crammond

not helped by the fact the producer and script editor had to rewrite it all over a few days when the original story became unworkable, think i read somewhere that the story would have featured a stadium of cat people

Josef Schiltz

It's around this time that Tom Baker gave an interview with Starlog. I don't remember the exact quote or the date. My copy is buried amongst hundreds of magazines that would take until the pickles run out in order to find. However, Tom puts it somehow like this, that "One is paid to turn whippetsh!t into the gold of entertainment! I can't think of anything more thin and obscene than that!" He may just have been referring to the scripts received lately. The stills for the interview are from around this period and the hamming seems to indicate a degree of being fed up of going all out in an effort to keep things interesting which saps energy.

Andrew Vignaux

Does anyone else find it slightly disappointing we don't see Clara, The Impossible Girl, in the background of the corridor shots?