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Classic Who "The Sun Makers" Parts 1&2 Reaction

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Daniel Davies

This is Robert Holmes at his most bitter. He literally wrote this story after receiving his tax bill for the year.


One odd part is that Robert Holmes inititally conceived the Collector as being in a wheelchair because he was obese, and then none of the script was changed when they cast an actor who didn't match that, so he's still inexplicably called "Your immensity" and such.

Azmat Mahmood

I've always just thought the Gatherer calling the Collector all those grandiose titles is him sucking up to the Collector and appealing to his arrogance, which at the same time reveals that the Gatherer doesn't actually respect the Collector and is only doing it to try and get further in the company. It's a nice bit of character work, typical of Robert Holmes.


This is one of my absolute favourite 4th Doctor stories and I've never understood the fandom's baffling consensus that this is somehow one of the weaker serials. The script sparkles, the cast are having a blast and I couldn't care less about the cheap production design (it's Doctor Who ffs!) I know it's received wisdom to declare that the show goes downhill this season, but I think all the flaws make it all the more enjoyable than the better-made-but-far-less-interesting three preceding seasons (and I think we're going to be entering a new golden age for the reactions too!)

Azmat Mahmood

I've always thought this is one of the better regarded Williams era stories? It's definitely still underrated and doesn't get the praise it deserves, but I've usually seen people agree that it's at least pretty good.

Josef Schiltz

I may be right in thinking that Robert Holmes' wife was having problems with a bleeding ulcer around this time. Tax worries was all he needed! The Gatherer was as close in physiognomy as possible to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Denis Healey. The Collector, however, sported Healey's eyebrows. Say Hi to Michael Keating - here playing Goudry -whose usual role was as Vila Restal a thief who joined the anti-Earth Federation resistance group Blake's Seven.

Josef Schiltz

Hi Jess. Just to say I'm terribly sorry to hear about your friend.


Given the usual (slightly unfair) opinions on the Williams era as a whole, "better regarded" is kind of damning with faint praise! It was placed in the bottom half of the 2014 DW Magazine poll and regularly gets a drubbing over on Gallifrey Base - I often feel like I'm its only defender over there. Here's hoping for a bit of a renaissance in the 60th poll!


Thanks for another great reaction. I don't really agree with the consensus that the series goes down hill at this point. It was around this time I started to have a consistent memory of the stories & I hugely enjoy the whole of the 4th Doctors era, barring probably 3 stories - especially with K-9 now in the mix! It is an incedibly dark tale that in many ways was and is a reflection of life for a lot of people.both then and now. I think they inject a fair amount of humour to somewhat counteract it. I'm glad you're finding it interesting but sorry to hear that you drew a lot of parallels to a tragedy closer to you. Thanks for sharing that. I've lost a few friends and family members down the years & when they're gone they always leave a void that can never be filled. See you next time.


It's been a while since I saw this story; I'd not realised Michael Keeting was in this. (He was one of the main characters in another BBC SF show called Blakes 7 ... well worth reacting to when there's time in your schedule.) Sorry about your friend.

Jenny Chalek

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Josef Schiltz

I like this one too. I never take any notice of magazine polls. I find it amazing when fans of something as alimitable as Doctor Who incapacitate their imaginations by doing episode/story or character popularity polls! Akin to, "I like that daisy over this daisy, so I feel the irresistible urge to trample the erring daisy!"