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Supernatural 7x18 Full Reaction

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I’m so, so glad that the show’s crew were smart enough not to spoil the surprise by putting Jim Beaver in the guest credits, a mistake I’ve seen even some otherwise fantastic shows like Babylon 5 make. The word is that it’s typically a legal issue that forces their name in, but episodes like this prove that it’s indeed possible.


Yeah, a largely fun episode with Garth. DJ Qualls is great. I love him as Garth. I loved your reactions to his scenes. I also loved your excitement at going to the microbrewery. I'd be the same. It was most humorous of Garth not being able to hold his liquor. I even said, “Just the ONE!? I mean, if you pound the beer back, yeah, it’ll go straight to your head. Even so.” I actually am terrified by the idea of getting drunk to see the monsters, leading me to say, “I get properly boiled, the voices in my head are obscenely loud. Can you imagine what putting a face to said voices would do to my sanity?” A massive highlight of Mr. Fizzles, which nice that he gets credited as himself. I relate to the scene of Sam admitting that he looked for Bobby but didn’t tell Dean. I get completely his mentality of if you’re the only one investigating and it turned out not to be true, then you’re the only one who is disappointed and hurt. And that’s ok, that’s all right, you could live with that. It's like Sam said, if he investigated and he discovered Bobby was still around, then he’d tell Dean. And if not, then all right Bobby is not still around, but Dean is spared the further pain and heartbreak that can come with hope. As I say on youtube, Jess, your reaction to seeing Bobby again was BEAUTIFUL. Yes, we don’t want Bobby to become a vengeful spirit. But if it does in fact happen, then I'm going to be right there with you rooting for said vengeful spirit. Thanks for the great Supernatural reaction, Jess.