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Classic Who "The Robots of Death" Parts 3&4 Reaction

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I have a theory that whenever D84 says he heard a cry, he's sensing all the various wails of youtube reactors echoing back through the space/time continuum at his final fate...

Josef Schiltz

Well Jess. I propose the hypothesis that with your Ophidiophobia - fear of snakes - you may not have the same reaction with lizards? - just hypothesizing. I suspect that Poul's fear was just latent and the fact that, in his mind and in correlation with the society's as a whole, reliance on them as benign servants, and being around them all the time, the outright fear didn't surface. He may have tensed very slightly more than those around him, but the feeling would be the same as, for instance, any servant or butler. If the murderer is a butler or a servant, they can pass un-noticed - as was pointed out, coincidentally, for instance in a story with Agatha Christie's Poirot. 'Three Act Tragedy'. My grandmother, who was in service around the turn of the 19th to 20th century, said that you were virtually invisible and might as well be a walking uniform! However, if the servants come under suspicion - and the household doesn't know which - the mere proximity would cause fear and hatred. The servants become a hostile lifeform that can instill fear and panic, potentially venomous snakes! Of course, the Daleks have also tried this subterfuge twice. "I am your serrrrrvant!" in Power of the Daleks and "I am your solllllldier!" in Victory of the Daleks. Reply

James Gorman

One of my personal favourites of the Tom Baker Era. I love D84! He would’ve made a great companion!


Thanks for a great reaction. I have to concur that D84 would have made a wonderful addition to the Tardis crew. Not sure whether the person playing the robot would see it that way. Lots of actors have since said how horribly uncomfortable and sweaty some of those costumes were! As I said last time, this episode marked one of my big scare factors as a young child (maybe I have Robophobia), but it was also the first story I saw where I have a complete memory of it and not just recall bits so for that reason it remains very special. See you next time!

Amy Chlebus

Elizabeth Sladen was the longest running companion. She was on for 3 and a 1/2 seasons. Like you said, I think it was because you were busy writing the 3rd doctor review and everything else.. Plus the fact you liked her so much , I think it just flew by for you.

Nicole Mazza

So glad you liked this story! As I think I said before, this is my personal fave Fourth Doctor story. And D84 is truly one of my all-time fave characters. <3

Nicole Mazza

Also, I agree with your Leela and Jamie comparison. One thing I personally love about those two is their adaptability to new concepts, especially in regards to futuristic stuff. It's all alien to them (often literally, but also figuratively), yet they're able to think on their feet and basically have 'street smarts' despite that. That and their absolute trust of the Doctor gives them a great foundation as capable companions, open to figuring things out as they go, all while testing the limits of their understanding, yet knowing they're (relatively) protected by both the Doctor and their own skillsets.

Nicole Mazza

Oh and there's a fun semi-recent YouTube advert for the Season 14 (this season) boxset of Doctor Who that has Louise Jameson (Leela) and a robot from this story in a short, but hilarious skit. I wouldn't watch past the 1:50 mark if you haven't watched the last story, but up to that point, it's not spoiler-y at all and is perfect to watch after 'Robots of Death': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dNkRhfofOA


I think that's one of the extra features of the Blu Ray. There's a similar one I've seen featuring Jo, Professor Jones and the autons with the creepy carnival masks.

Henry Fuller

Jamie and leela would be a great teamup with the doctor i think they would but heads alot though.


I would've loved it if you'd done the eyeliner for this reaction! One of my favorite classic Who stories this.