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Supernatural 7x11 Full Reaction

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So, I confess that I fell behind on seeing this episode. And to speak the plain truth, I wasn’t sure if I had the emotional strength to watch it following the last episode killing off Sam and Dean’s dad, Bobby, as you say, the best goddamn fucking character on the show, period. The way too fucking painful, realistic, and accurate events of that last episode, combined with the emotional evisceration of this week’s The Last of Us, I was honestly too emotionally drained to watch this episode of Supernatural. All that said, I still wanted to check in, see how you were doing on the first episode following what happened to Bobby. I know that it’s presumably been some time since you filmed this reaction, but still, I wanted to make sure you were doing ok, Jess, thus I caught the pre- and post-episode thoughts and comments. You mentioned Sam inquiring about whether they should contact people about Bobby or not, and just hearing you say that happened in the episode got me some, and I said, “Ah. Yeah. Yup. That's too fucking real. That hits close to home.” I have a similar method to what you do when it comes to grief in that you kind of bury yourself in work. It’s like that insanely relatable Shirley episode of Hill House. I’m all for wanting revenge for what happened to Bobby. And I don’t think you’re being sadistic at all, Jess, because I'm in the same boat as you. I would want to get revenge that would make the Emperor blush; that Sam and Dean would get medieval in their vengeance towards Dick. Of course, it’s going to be tricking killing Dick, as going by that news report, a lot of the world is quite the sucker for Dick. (I heard it as soon as I said it. Just leave it alone.) And yeah, even if they get revenge, the soul-crushing grief still remains. I do share your hope that Sam and Dean do reach a point where they can forgive themselves. I’m with you on that one, Jess.


I highly recommend the show Justified, in which Jim Beaver has a recurring role as a quite Bobby-like character (at one point he’s described with “The first thing we’re going to do is acknowledge that this guy’s awesome”) and gets to live.


Justified is on my list of things to see. I haven't gotten around to it as of yet, but it's on my list. Particularly as Jess has said she really loved it, and has highly recommended it.


He also has a pretty great major role in Deadwood, as one of the most good people in a very dark show.

Eddie Green

He's also in 2 episodes of Breaking Bad. Not a long role by any means but a memorable one.