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Not a lot of people know that Exokins can be based on any kind of species/race. The latex like suit usually wraps around its host while the person stays sentinent inside.

With the cuntroach-update, Viccy managed to create a version that also changed the person inside to a certain degree, leaving only the head and chest of the person, while the rest of the body fuses with the exokin. 

*I will leave this flag here: This is sensitive bdsm content, customers who buy an exokin version like this usually love to be humiliated/dominated as a kink - there is no known cure for the mutation yet, as skirran powder is useless against exokins*




I'll take two!


Cant wait to give out a bunch of these to people without telling them the effect : )


And its not even their final form! Over time they turn into real, giant roaches!