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Even tho there is still a day left on the poll I think its safe to say the Lilocs will make it this time  ٩(◉ᴥ◉)۶

The story will be a (kinda) consensual TF this time: Zil and Theo had been best friends for years. One day, the human male confessed his love and wish to be "closer" with Zil, but was afraid of the act, because Lilocs and Tizzians have a very rough way to get it on. (With the females often becoming ultra-dominant which could easily hurt a human)

To give it a try, Theo brought an antidote that would turn him back human after a couple of hours, not knowing that the Bolgan mixed up the potion and gave him an elixir that would change his gender permanently instead.

On the evening of their first date, Theo took the potion and quickly started to experience the canges on his body, which slowly turned female. Zil, also turned on by this, thought it was all part of the roleplay and finally turned Theo into a Liloc.




Interesting idea.:3


Sounds rather intriguing and very wholesome compared to some of the previous sequences


heh, it will still have an kinda "surprise-transgendering" in it, as well as some ovi again (because lizards) :3