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Did you even know about the milk workers going on strike here in Québec!?


Fuckin cow-people... They're all fucked in the head...

Have you ever heard of a shepherd strike!? A wool-worker strike!? NO! Because sheep people are sane.

They deprived us of milk for like a couple days.


Sebastien and Bigail couldn't for to be. Chocolate needs milk. Maple syrup needs milk. Peanut butter... Fuckin needs milk. They need it. They NEED it.

You can't have delicious stuffs such as those without the perfect pallet cleanser that is 2% Lactancia milk with no additions or conservator agents. Pur filtre, as we say in french. The closest translation would be "Pure Filter" but that's a stretch.

So I hope you learned something today.That Lactancia milk is good. But you'll never, EVER, have the chance for to drink some. Because you are too intelligent to move to canada and too intelligent to travel to canada. My patrons are SMART. I know you. You don't want to be here. Especially not HERE... FRENCH canada... Basically hell on earth. We recently offered to import the entire population of Gaza with our tax money and they not only refused, they were insulted.

And that is why I used Miranda as a milk slave for the days of the strike. I totally released her the day the strike was over. Totally.

Ah shit... I forgot to feed her cat.

Miranda told me she has a cat named Fukumi now.

And that name, Fukumi, makes me think of my other friend, Fukumi, the catgirl, who has been missing ever since Miranda moved to Fallu City.

Time to pour chocolate milk in my mouth until I pass out.



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