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"Bigail! Where is Thea!?"

"I don't know... I really wish I could remember..."

"You two left for the park an hour ago... Why are you coming back alone!?"

"And Thea is!?"


"Oh... Oh oh oh... I left the park because it was getting dark and that park is known for the criminal and gang activity that goes on there at night. I guess Thea stayed there. She is more courageous than I am. Who knows what those gangsters would do to me... Probably tickle me..."

"Really?... That's weird..."

"Well... Thea has been known for to sell her body to strangers... Maybe she stayed for to whore herself out..."

"Oh comon... She only did that a few times... Maybe I should go take a look at that park... Which park is it!?"

"Don't waste your time, Delphine... By this time, the gangsters already found her, all tied up to her little horse... I mean... I need to go to the bathroom."

"Wait!? WHAT!!?? COME HERE!!!"





Thea’s secret dream of becoming a pony-girl is about to come true!


I've always seen Thea more like a cow. Like an old, fat, big old cow. With an annoying french accent.


They probably just took her home to give her a warm bath and a good meal, right?