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"What are you doing, Bigail!? The priest told us to change the holy water!"

"Wrong. The priest told us to EXCHANGE holy water. So..."

"WHAT!? That doesn't make any sense!"

"You gonna make Jesus angry."

"What do you mean by "Exchange holy water" anyway?"

"Well... You give me some of your saliva, I give you some of mine... You give me some of your "Delphine Juice" and I give you some of my "Bigail Nectar"... If you know what I mean."

"I HIGHLY DOUBT the priest wants us to do that..."

"But right now, only Jesus is looking at us... Judging us... Are you ready to anger him!?"

"... I..."

"Come here, you little fuck!"

The rest was pretty graphic, especially in a church. They both got punished for not changing the holy water and practicing very illegal lesbianism instead.

We won't be seeing Delphine or Bigail anytime soon.

Did you know churches have basements!?




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