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When I first heard the word "Blumpkin", I laughed. Because it's a funny word. I think it would be a great name for a stray cat.

When I first learned the meaning of the word "Blumpkin", I thought it would be Thea's very favorite thing to do in life.

And it is.

So if you like getting the blowblow while you do the caca, please call Thea. She will pay for her own gas. Actually she doesn't have a car. Why would I allow her for to have a car. Fuck her. Fuckin walk, Blubberbags!

She'll arrive sweaty but... She always sweaty. Thea's sweat is so stinky too. She's so fuckin nasty.

What the fuck happened so that Delphine and Thea be so different?

Is it because Thea actually lived in France while Delphine was born here!? What is Europe up to!? What is happening over there!? All those conspiracy theories are starting to ring the truth to me.

I need to smoke less.

I need to pee.



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