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Thea entered the kitchen. At the table, a cute penguinboy and a cute sheepgirl were sitting down at the table. In front of empty plates, they were holding their forks. Thea asked, bitchly:

"The fuck are you doing!?"

"Waiting for lunch... Delphine is working so... We're kinda waiting for you to get started... We would love either cow burgers, or a fondue."

"Are you insane!? I'm not going to cook for you, you little brat! Now leave me alone!"

"You gonna let us die of starvation!? THAT'S ANIMAL CRUELTY, BLUBBERBAGS!!!"


"... Oh... Well... You know what!?... FORK YOU, THEA!"

Thea laughed, thinking Behgail fucked up saying fork. She didn't. She really meant it. Twas time to fork the shit out of Thea. And she did. Because she is a heroine.





A deserved fate for anyone that would refuse to feed Penguin!