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*Stressful Breaking News Music*

"Good evening, people at home. This is an emergency broadcast of some breaking news. The breaking news is... Nature: Documented, everyone's very favorite TV show about the documentation of nature, is starting...


*Epic Opening Music With African Bongos And Shit Like Animal Sounds*

"Bonjour back. My host name is, of, Behgail LaPetitemouton. And welcome back to... Our show. My show. Tonight, we talk about a very popular animalgirl... Ladies and gentlemen...

The Catgirl."

The audience went crazy.

"Also known as the Kittygirls and the Nekogirls, Catgirls are very different from the other animalgirls.

While the sheep have evolved to help humans with their sacred wool, the pig have evolved to help humans with their delicious meat and the dog have evolved to help humans in thousands of different ways, the cat doesn't really give a shit. Usefulness and charm are great as for to win the hearts of humans, but cats have a different method.


Toxoplasmosis, also known as "Crazy Cat Lady Syndrome", is the only reason they are still there. People who loves cat are just being hypnotized by cat shit parasites.

I was never exposed to cat shit so I don't really care about them. Some of them are cool. Every dog I ever met charmed the fuck out of me. 99.9% of the cats I met just hated me on sight. They know. They know they can't catshitpnotize ME! Sheepgirls are immune to everything but tinnitus, everyone knows that.

Look at this little fuck.

Catgirls won't bathe. Catgirls won't even approach water. They lick themselves clean. Let me repeat that. They LICK themselves clean. Isn't that just... What the fuck...

Look at her. She's literally licking her genitals... That's just... No... Why do... Should we... What... Wait a minute... How does she do that... I mean... Mmmmh... Maybe... Cut?"

*Technical Difficulties*



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