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Once their tiny little brain finally booted/recovered from the free fall, Tinygail quickly ordered Minigail to work via kicking her assbutt and slapping the shit out of her sensitive body.

Lime green Minigail is the shoe expert. She cleans and polishes... Shoes.

She quickly got to work polishing MrArgent shoe.

As we all know by now, Minigails don't talk. They instead use moans, cries and other noises as for to let people know of their feelings. Tinygails, on the other, totally can talk. Well no. But they can ... Quack??? They kinda sound like penguins... https://youtu.be/PHjolA8GQLQ?si=TecEGNMUi02YCZd0&t=7 so thereforto, she can like quack/bark "Orders" to the mini terrors.


Ordered Tinygail?


Moaned Minigail?


That quacking was followed by a electroshock delivered to Minigail's collar. Apparently, Tinygail punished her for slacking on the job already. Even tho she JUST started. Minigail was already in the need for motivation.

"Woah! I love that Tinygail! A real leader!"

"Yop! Minigails are lobotomized of all their dominating brain cells, leaving them 100% submissive. All that dominating brain matter is then anti-lobotomized right into Tinygail's brain, making her the most dominant of the group."


"I also anti-lobotomized the electroshock controller right into her brain. She just have to think about a certain Minigail and that Minigail will get motivated instantly."

"I love it! What's next!?"




I can tell Lime Green is gonna be a troublemaker.