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Really looking forward to seeing Say My Name! Mnet set it up for this one fasho, I was really thinking that team Supercharger really wasn't going to be able to perform the song. After seeing them practice more and stuff, that song really is the hardest of the bunch. Some new names sticking out! Wondering what ep 10-11 would consist of. 




SUPERCHARGER SUPER SUPERCHARGER that's all i sing nonstop man. all the boys did so good during this mission you can really see the growth. also the matthew thing definitely had more to do with seungeon than matthew from my pov. i felt like matthew sounded pretty good and would've mastered sub1 but seungeon didn't fit sub2 at all. it was a switch to make sure everyone looked good... they just let it go on for too long


say my name was my fav i love that song