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Just a chill casual tour vlog. Good eats, vibes and Suga! 




that pizza spot must've really done you dirty lmao the final dday concert is actually in a few hours btw. i was gonna wake up for it but i had an energy drink too late in the day that's keeping me up rn.. so I'm definitely gonna crash soon 😔


your face when he mentioned the pizza spot hahaha 😂 it must've been really bad dangg and I went to his DDay show in LA, it was incredible!! So proud that he wrapped up all his shows safely and successfully, go yoongiiii!!

Shamya Mckoy

Dang that pizza joint brought back trauma for u🤣🤣💀,, just asking if you’re still going to watch the dday documentary if u don’t have time I understand ❤️❤️


it wasn't as hyped as it set out to be with like 3k+ ratings, that's crazy! dday doc up now preciate u


wait i meant the concert livestream lmao. i would never forgive myself if i missed going to the concert fr