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See y'all later today with some vids, maybe even a youtube video :) appreciate you for listening

also started filming our next kdrama today which may be up next month 




I love the patreon video, matches my humour too


ooooh i'm sorry that ur going through a tough time ant :( idk if this helps but every time i like a new music release or content from an artist i enjoy, you are one of the first content creators i check to see if they have reacted to it! i love your calmness and genuine thoughts about music and things, thats why i've been watching for so long, im not the type of request a lot bc i feel is a little pressuring haha but i always expect things from u! (in a good way) i appreciate you a lot, thanks for not quitting <3 and excuse my grammar looool (eng is not my first language🕺)


ant, you shouldn't feel like you have to be apologetic for showing that you're having a rough time. we all go through it. for me personally, it's a bit more relieving to know that nobody is struggling on their own. in a sense that it will pass and that i shouldn't beat myself up for feeling bad bcs everyone has their own struggles. i'm hoping that you can gradually push through this stump and feel happier soon ! we know that you're trying and we're always rooting for you. <3


I went through burnout for two years while trying to finish up undergrad and it carried on into my first semester of grad school, so I definitely know how you feel. Please don't apologize for it. You honestly don't owe us anything. If you need to take a break, I'm sure most of your patrons and subscribers would understand! Just do things at your own pace bruh :) I hope things get better for you soon <3


rough times don't last forever man i hope you get through it with a good laugh, don't feel you need to apologize but its genuine of you to tell us how you are feeling, i think you are doing great and have leveled up way far then you can see, take it in strides "No matter how deep the night, it always turns to day, eventually" i hope you are able to figure out what to do and you accomplish your goals also that patreon video is great, liked it when i saw it pop up in the latest video, things get in the way but ive been liking what you've done so far keep up the good work


burn out is rough. i've been experiecnig it all of unveristy and it's made my experience hell and caused me to fall out of love with academia :(. so i deffo understand how you're feeling & where you're coming from. please don't apoogise, it sucks that we're made to feel guity about these things. don't be afraid to take things at your own pace and let yourself take breaks where needed. i'd just like to highlight how proud we are of you for doing what you can to make thngs work and be more effiecient and transparent with us. i think those things need to be highlighted as well so you know that despite how you're feeling, we can see and appreciate your efforts xx. take things at your own pace, excited to see where things go.


Thank you for always sharing your updates and how you're feeling with us I really think it works to make the community stronger and know what your headspace is even if there's nothing we can necessarily do to help. That's why I'd say there's no need to apologize for being open about it on stream either I know it's a combo of people coming there but I don't think there's any shame in it if us hanging around in the chat can make your day a little bit better because like people have mentioned consuming your content is often a way that people regain their energy or if they're having a bad day but I don't really think that should be a one-way Street. Do what you feel comfortable with of course but there are people here who you can also lean on is what I'm trying to say. In terms of burnout I'll try to give you my realistic view: Burnout is cyclical I don't actually think it goes away. maybe that's a depressing thing to say but it means that recognizing the signs and doing what you need to do to get yourself back on balance becomes key so that you don't completely fall victim to it and I feel like over the years you've done a better and better job of communicating that to us and switching things up when you need to so that's a skill to really focus in on and be proud of.