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I just thought of something, I think would be cool and am wondering your thoughts on it. I am wanting to get started with learning korean again, I just think I can't manage that well on my own yet, I need more progress before I want to take the imitative to go further. So that got me thinking... what if I got on a website to take lessons, record them and post them here on Patreon so we can learn together/we can help each other out???

I'm really trying to prove myself that my brain can house two languages so, I think that this could help while also bringing something else over to our Fire tier. 



I think that would be cool cause i've been putting of my korean lessons for months now i forgot almost everything


I think that would be super cool! We could totally also try to have Voice chats on Discord for the conversational stuff! I’ve learned how to read and write in Hangul, and know some words and phrases but I def need to learn a lot more.


I think that would be nice. I have not been dedicated at all in starting that journey but i do believe this could help me to actually put in some work. Something about doing things with others helps me focus/achieve goals at a more consistent pace


I have been putting off investing more time towards in for over a year now, so you're not alone


that's what i'm thinking too! not to mention learning with someone who can answer a question when i ask, but paying someone pretty much $1 per min makes me kind of stressed LOL


yoooo you're right! that could be really cool. you're many steps ahead of me so youre in the position to be a teacherrrrr :)


Anthony, I don’t know if you’ve heard of it at all, but I’ve been using this app called Cake to learn and it’s been soooo helpful. It also has clips from K-dramas and variety shows that you can learn phrases from and will often recommend songs to read the lyrics to for certain lessons.


Ayyyyy perfect considering I’m an actual professional tutor irl. 😆


This would be really fun like we are having a study buddy! Also would keep me accountable since every time I try to start I kind of just stop


yooo wait this would be so fun !! i studied korean through an immersion program in high school and peaked about middle intermediate. but haven’t really done much serious studying since, my grammar is god awful lol. but maybe this could be the push i need to get back into it. also would love to see what others use for self study !!


i'm so down for this! i gave up after a month of studying korean lol so it would be cool to share that journey with everyone

Caroline esho

I think that sounds nice! I haven't actually studied Korean yet so it would be nice having someone to study with cause I usually learn better when I'm studying with more people


that sounds so nice! i haven’t had the time to learn korean, only what i’ve picked up from kpop & kdramas. but after having a conversation in *broken* korean with a lovely korean cafe owner, it’s motivated me even more to properly learn the language. i’m still just trying to find the timing to do so & this would be great help!!

Lauren Freeman

I think this is a fun way to monetize learning and keep yourself motivated. Your area might have in person korean classes or there are local ones here via zoom if that style of learning isnt interactive enough for you just fyi.

Lauren Freeman

https://washingtondc.korean-culture.org/en/1143/board/914/read/122367 If you or anyone else wants to look into this one.


That would be super fun. I tried learning a few years back but didn’t really get anywhere so I’d be interested.


I like that idea! I could leave you practice/example sentences in the comments based off of what you studied

Cherise Morrison-Greaves

i would be interested in that as well. i tried learning back in 2016, but quickly gave up... maybe this might help motivate me too


Yeah, that would be great


Nah, lowkey it would be the other way around, I'm hoping y'all keep me accountable lol


Wow, I definitely did not think of seeing if there were any in person classes. I'll have to look into that regardless because it would certainly help me more.

Lauren Freeman

I started learning in person when i lived in southern california, but i would reach out to any local korean cultural center and see of they have any classes. Some places have international language schools as well. If you learn in person and still want to use this for content you could try and livestream studying or homework? Then you could get a little more interactive learning and practice!


Yep, it’s free! You can pay for a subscription if you wanted for extra benefits, but all the lessons and stuff you get without the subscription kinda make getting one unnecessary.


That’d be so fun! I’m on Bangtan Academy, the Korean learning discord for Armys and can try to help where I can!


Yes! I love that idea Ive been trying to learn for several years


It’s going well! I’ve been in it for about two years now I think? You have to turn in at least one hw assignment each month to stay on the server, but you improve a lot in a short time I feel like

Q Burr

Im so down for that, Ive been stagnant in my Korean for about 2 years, and could use the motivation again