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They went absolutely crazy in this episode... I never would have thought ALL of that would have happened, so soon. I'm on edge for the upcoming episodes like.. what can you do with that?!

Jax: https://www.youtube.com/@kgenkulture



Sham Sham

nahhhh this is crazy. how the heck is this show going to end? where the heck will they even go? all I know is im not ready to lose our leader. lord knows if he goes out i won't be ready for that. i am hooked. now lets see how long it takes for our comedian due to realize they found the key in killing them (freezing them) and if it ever comes back into play.


What's blowing me is that in every single circumstance that the kids rebelled they ended up losing someone. Even with their logic being understandable, any time the platoon leader said get it together and they almost do then one person losing their mind leads to devastation. Insane


ohmygod this episode was pure chaos WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE


Yelling at my screen this ep !! Straight chaos 😭