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They really... and I mean really, turned up in this episode! Usually the first episode can set the tone for a show, but this second one let's you know what you're in for. Y'all gotta let me know what y'all think about this episode.

I did not notice that Ae Sol is from Weak Hero Class 1!

Jax: https://www.youtube.com/@kgenkulture




i don't think you noticed but ae seol (the quiet one that couldn't assemble the gun) was in weak hero too!! i became such a fan of her esp after kill boksoon (definitely recommend for the next movie night) great reaction things are about to get wild..


damnn this show has me hype, watching for the first time along with y'all! I did not expect things to amp up that fast got me excited to see how this goes fr 🔥🔥


only thing i've heard about this show is a lot of people didn't like part 2 😅 but these first 2 episodes were pretty good, second half of this one especially! i'm just honestly burnt out on bully plots so i hope they don't focus on that too much longer.

Sham Sham

i found it interesting cuz when ha na (girl who locked herself in the car) got grabbed by the alien, one of the girls held the other back from trying to help her if u noticed in the back. if sergeant lady didn't come when she did ha na def would of died. so to have her get saved and right after lock them out of the car was wild considering i noticed that. but man did we get activated fast. so far so good.


I actually like the dynamic of the whole class together too, they’re funny but I’m kind of dreading them all becoming closer because I just know that’s when more characters will start getting eliminated

Sham Sham

i get you, this was me with the glory. i just couldn't get into that show at all. and i always felt like it was just cuz i was over having yet another show based on bullying. and it just didn't catch my attention. didn't make it past ep 2, didn't t even finish ep 2.


going forward with this show, i'm just going to expect the worst of the worst and hopefully it doesn't actually meet my expectations ksdjksjds this ep heated up so quick like DAMN can i get to know people a bit before you get rid of them!!


Enjoying this series !


Oh my! Catching up and finally watching this show. I am locked in.