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I was very surprised with this, due to Kaachi tainting the name of foreign kpop groups. Blackswan is nowhere near that in comparison, they have great voices, can dance, look beautiful and gave a really refreshing feel! Rooting for them! 




I was rlly surprised by the quality and how good this cb was, it’s the best they’ve put out this far. also rlly glad all the new members they added have strong vocals. their bside cat & mouse is sooo good too, hope you can peep it !


Glad you liked it! So many kpop fans hate on them just because they aren't Korean, but to see this much diversity in a kpop group makes me really happy! Especially as a black kpop fan :) I've been rooting for them since the beginning, and it seems like they'll only get better from here!

Mattie H.

That is really silly to me because Koreans love them (and that'll help them in the long run) but as a black fan, I love seeing diverse talent.


Exactly! The ppl that hate on them are just jealous they aren't the ones in a kpop group 😂