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What's up everyone? 

I hope everyone has had a nice day and has some fun or relaxing plans for this weekend. 

I wanted to make this post to share what's on my mind currently. 

I think my weekend plans will consist with me just filming videos throughout the day. I talked to other creators that I've befriended and it seems that's what everyone tends to do. It was comforting to see that everyone else experiences similar things as me, but they've all got a rhythm that they can work with consistently and it seems like my rhythm is having no rhythm. I just feel like times I've tried it easily lead to a burnout feeling and I want to avoid that as much as possible since I do this for fun and entertainment the same way that I hope you guys can watch the videos for. 

I watched this video by Casey Neistat today and I resonated with every word: https://youtu.be/YpqFOB7_9go (basically talking about ADD, how procrastination happens and how he basically is at either extreme of the spectrum of no work or overwork to the point of burnout) 

I'm going to try this again this weekend and maybe just give myself a few days in between each "upload day" but post a handful of videos at once. However, I think doing so would make me seem late on some of the things releasing like comeback albums or stages, etc. and it always sucks to feel behind in this world of k-content. I felt like it might be best to treat posting here the same as YouTube and just do my best to actively watch the newest things because that's what seems to please the majority. What do you think?

Also, I've been doing a lot of reflecting and taking more notes actively and I want to get your opinions on this. I won't unload all of this at once but I think over time I may ask you guys for some advice every now and then.

When doing videos here on Patreon, it feels like I can be a lot more laid back and chill, especially since the things that we're watching are often 60+ min. Do you guys think that I talk too little in those types of videos? Is there anything that you would suggest? 

Following that, I watched a handful of my recent album reactions and I feel like they come off more as live listens or something of the sorts. I don't think it's a necessarily a problem, but I feel a way about it because some of the album listens that I can think of off the top of my head are generally longer in length and I talked quite a bit in them (the ones that I enjoyed a lot) but with those projects I feel like they had more lyrical / relatable content in the songs compared to an album about love songs, etc. I don't think I'm well versed enough to give a full review, but I was thinking if I could share as many as my thoughts as possible of each song (at the end) or the total album as a whole in each video that it may feel more complete?

What's at the forefront of these questions and doubts is just wanting to still provide videos here that feel worth it to you all. I'm just wanting to refine and be better at whatever it is that I do, so I feel like your feedback is the best starting point outside of myself. I just want to be proud of everything that goes up, and if not proud, at least not feel meh about it when I press post. I never want to get to the point where I'm posting just to reach a quota. 

I skimmed through a handful of posts that I've done and I know I questioned myself a bit more than I normally would on those.

Outside of that, last time we talked about an updated I pitched the idea that I am considering moving cross country to try to make something shake for us. It's seeming more and more like a reality and I've set a goal here on Patreon so that I can at least cover bills, taxes, save for a cheap car and have money to put towards emergency savings each month I'm out there. We've slowly come up to the nearly 700 members here and I haven't been at this number since I was in Texas, so thanks everyone, on every tier. I'm aiming for 1000 patrons, like last time, I think that that should make me not need to worry about anything while I'm there, I'm just a bit scared to go without knowing if I'll reach, let alone maintain that goal. I've just passed the birthday of the channel, 4 years old. I'm feeling slightly discouraged but also a bit motivated to work harder. I'm sure I can do big things and keep smiles on your faces if I can feel a more confident with my output. Once that happens, I think everything can be smooth sailing, I'm just hoping this change in environment can make things better instead of add more stress when the time comes. 

Ideally, the next time I post will be Sunday or Monday and it'll be around 5 videos minimum. I'm aiming to finish a few things and then start consistently posting the same show or two so that they can be finished timely, as suggested in a post a few weeks ago. Actively taking criticism, advice, and working on applying it, putting my best foot forward. 

Thanks for reading. 



Me personally I do not come on Patreon everyday or as often as most ppl here. But I did want to talk abt the part where you asked “are you talking too little , should you talk more”. I personally would prefer whatever comes natural to you in that moment. Nothing forced, kind of like kickin it and watching something w a friend lol. Just wanted to pop in but we appreciate the hard work / effort you put in 😎!


I personally am always satisfied/entertained with your album reactions & longer content reactions so I don’t think you talk too little or anything. sometimes the random little things you say here and there throughout a video are really funny and just like what the first comment said, it makes it feel like I’m watching something w a friend !


I have always enjoyed the videos you post no matter how long or short, if you talk a lot, or not really at all. And the biggest reason is because you communicate with your following via the comments, I love how you like to discuss things directly with us. I've said this before, that this makes it feel like I'm watching and bonding with a friend instead of someone that doesn't feel relatable. You are one of the most authentic content creators around, and if that means you need to take some breaks in between in order to keep that authenticity and fun for you by all means take some breathers!! The real supporters of you will stick by you and be happy that you are doing well!!

Sham Sham

don't feel bad about feeling "behind" on stuff. this k-pop world is not that serious. crazy how when it comes to the Western/U.S. industry we don't care at all about trying to keep up to date with every little thing artists drop. we just focus on the music and keep it pushing yet for some reason once we get into the whole K-pop world we have obtained this obligation of needing to be up to date with everything that gets released (music, MV's, shows, interviews, practices, etc) or we feel/get told we are "not a real fan" if we don't. And that will never be the case nor that serious. personally, I am very picky when it comes to reactors😂 I get annoyed fast. can't stand too much talking to the point they talk over the entire video and then have the nerve to complain, can't be overly pausing every 2-3 seconds over the smallest things (they see a ponytail they pause, let someone be shirtless they have to pause and go on a full rant, they pause to talk about looks, they feel the need to overhype something because of who the artist is, etc) u are honestly the only creator I not only follow/support but am actively interactive with. U don’t give me that annoying overreacting feeling. and even when I do have my ok now ant moments, it's not even annoyance it's just like ok now ant..u rewind one more time for the clothes or rewind when we’re only 5 seconds in ima pull u through this computer😂 it’s all fun with you, feels like I'm really just chilling with my overly excited friend haha. I've never felt like u were exaggerating ur reaction because of the camera in front of you. u always feel genuine and I love that. there is no need to feel like u should talk more or be more laid back. you are already super laid back and chill how more laid back can u get 😁 about the whole album reactions and your feeling as though u should speak more on them or give deeper reactions because an album might be more lyrical don't feel that way. sure if there are lyrics that speak to you and u can relate to u can speak on it if u want but at the end of the day, it's music. don't feel the need to turn a fun album listen into a full life lesson just because some songs/lyrics r lyrical. Don't take the fun away from just enjoying music. And wow this was long, I apologize. if u see this hope ur day is going great. (Whispers) waiting on &team tho👀


hey, like I mentioned in the last post, content creation isn't easy and a lot of people look at it like it is, great that you're taking advice from people who know how insane it is. if you find a method that works for you, then that's fine, if you don't there's always opportunities to try new methods! also, no one is ever completely up to date on this kpop stuff, and given the fact that you react to a lot of groups too, no one should expect you to be. you could watch a mix of the older and newer stuff, you could do a bunch of shorter ones at once and the longer ones you could do on your time. concerning the reactions, i feel like most of the people on here just come to vibe and watch stuff with you, if we were looking for over the top reactions there's loads out there on the internet lol. i mostly watch your content after long college and work days and i enjoy it because it feels honest, so i personally don't think that's something you should be worrying about. anyway, i wish you good luck and prayers on everything you're trying to achieve!! you're doing great! i've loved being on here this month and will probably be back the next.