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Eva van Galen

I'm not sure if you've figured it out by now how the DNA matched, but i'll explain it in case you haven't yet. The lighter that was found at Sohee's crime scene was the lighter that Yeon-jin used to burn her clothes. Because of this Yeon-jin's DNA is on that lighter. When Yeon-jin visited Yeo-jeong at his clinic he took some of her skin while she was under anesthesia. He preserved this and put her skin under Myeong-ho's fingernails. Because of this the DNA from the old lighter and under Myeong-ho's nails match since it's both Yeon-jin. So-hee was indeed pregnant with Jae-jun's child and it's insinuated that it was caused by assault. They didn't expect this because Myeong-ho was the one that forced kissed Dong-Eun, so they figured he had also been the one to assault So-hee.

Caroline esho

So here's some explanations if I understand everything right! (But since you've finished the show you probably already know this) 1. The shaman got punished for doing things that weren't allowed in that religion(?) Like pimping out girls and trying to summon/talk to the dead. And I think doing eun cried cause she always felt like so hee was helping her and the fact that she has (maybe) always been with her made her happy. 2. Yes Jae joon got so hee pregnant 3. The skin from the yeon jins foot were to have yeonjin DNA under myeong ohs nails so she would get caught for both murders since the lighter also had her DNA. And after that they moved his body to the abandoned building where so hee died 4. And I think that dong eun and the assistant/worker in siesta (forgot her name) were actual friends but stopped when doing eun started to get bullied cause the other one was scared that she would get bullied too. That's maybe why she was crying cause she felt guilty that she left dong eun to suffer alone. This is what I think everything meant 😅😁

brianna a

Yeah so pretty much Jaejun is the father of sohee's unborn child, and because of this it is also assumed that yeoniin actually had it out for her because she knew that jaejun was interested in her like that ... the "identical" outfit might even have been a gift that he gave to both of them and she caught on so that's why she wanted to burn it so badly.. yeonjin has always had extreme jealousy for other girls getting attention so even if that outfit theory isn't true, it's just the fact she knew she looked pretty in it :/


yeah i believe i put it together in episode 16 but i'm not sure. i definitely figured it out before posting the videos though lol

Estherlynn Lubin

Lmbo. I usually don’t comment cuz I’m always playing catch with these videos but your confusion was amusing to say the least.