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Nothing over 20 mins please! 

Please comment one request per comment and include a link, so that when other people leave a like, I can know the demand per each video 



I already requested this last month, but trying my luck again for March. 🥲 Please watch SB19's live performances from KBS Korea ASEAN Round Festival 2021. These guys are absolute legends at performing live: https://youtu.be/LSy50MK_oYU


Would have done more this month if it went differently for me and the fam. There's a good bit I was not able to do in February but I'll be doing my best for this month.

Sham Sham

I've been in the mood for some laughs lately so P.O X Mino Whisper Challenge: https://youtu.be/JEC5VyQ-_Wc


I’ve been trying to get into svt lately and this video was rlly entertaining https://youtu.be/6BfTmyfExRw


P1HARMONY recent album!!