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literally thank you for uploading early we don’t mind AT ALL🫣


also ik i said this before but please look at the trailer for my mister on netflix it’s a super good show with the same kind of feel as this !


your face when jaejun showed up to the parent teacher conference LMFAOO


does anyone know who dongeun’s doctor friend (the one that likes her) killed? im so confused about that


He didn't kill anyone yet. He agreed to be her swordsman and kill for her, but he hasn't done anything yet. However, in his mind, he has killed his father's killer over and over again as revenge.


He didn’t kill anyone. The bloody person we see with him is the serial killer that killed his dad. He just likes to fantasize about killing the serial killer the same way his dad was killed. Hope that made sense!


I couldn’t watch this alone since I get spooked and anxious easily with thriller? (Is this considered thriller?) type shows so glad I get to watch along with the reactions :D


you may have but people tell me stuff everyday so i forgot, i'll check this out asap probably today when i'm eating lunch


they did their thing with this one so i'm glad you could watch along even if it isn't your usual vibe. i noticed i started to do the same and watch some reactions of certain mv's or even shows i don't like/normally watch just to hear others opinions