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yk i sympathized with bumseok at the beginning bc of the abuse so when he first started his villain arc i tolerated some of the things he did (like hanging out with the bullies and spending money on them) because i thought he was just misguided and would gain some sense eventually. Then he started coming after the boys and i just wanted to jumped through the screen and slap him but even then i had a tiny sliver of hope that he would change but after watching this episode all of my sympathy for him vanished. He knew what the risks were and he did it anyways and he had the audacity the show remorse at the end.


man this episode. seeing the little interaction between sieun and sooho hurts so much more the second time, because you know what’s coming next. when sooho said “see you tomorrow” i just started crying. and then proceeded to angry cry the rest of the episode, because man i’m so pissed. every single time bumseok sees the consequences of his actions he appears to have come to his senses. only to turn around and just do something even more vile. there’s never been a character i have wanted a redemption arc for more than bumseok. but by the end of the episode i’m just like, there’s only so much that can be “justified” by your trauma. torn between hoping he gets what’s his and he’s not even worth it anymore.

Sham Sham

of course, i still sympathize/don't like seeing bum getting abused by his dad either. just cause bum's turned into an ass doesn't justify/mean his dad abusing him is okay now which i have seen people say and i just find it interesting 👀 and saying i don't like seeing bum get done like that by his dad doesn't mean I'm justifying his actions either. i stick with saying that it def wasn't bum's goal to kill/potentially kill soo. i knew that was gonna be the outcome for bum as far as being so stuck on taking his anger and just whatever pent-up emotions from all his trauma out on someone. I knew he wouldn't come to his senses until he really really crossed the line and sadly it happened and happened with soo. all bum wanted was just someone to beat up soo. we say the instant regret/worry when he realized he went further than just wanted soo to get beat up. this whole ep was a major message we can take in real life. Don't let anger/revenge/whatever drive you because u may cross that line one day and hurt someone more than u intended. and did u hear the sad news, the actor who plays the boss of big cousin passed a couple days ago 😢. And off topic but season 2 of tmap is coming..and ur not allowed to start until we finish season 2 😂 so hurry up. We almost there


its been a long time since i was so angry and hurt by a show like this… to think this couldve been avoided if he opened up to his friends or if his abusive fuck ass dad never cherry picked a child for his own benefit in the first place. the only thing i want to point out is from the jump sooho has never crossed the line, would always stop fighting if the person is down, and bum even got angry at sooho when he stopped him from crossing the line… just for bum and some losers to cross it and beat him like that.. its disgusting to watch

hayun lee

it was so depressing when sooho said 사과해주라 since it isn't just "apologize" as a demand, but it's worded as a request. even though their friendship was broken beyond repair sooho still wanted to squash the beef clean and easy only for bumseok to push the situation this far.


I agree, I can't hate bum because this was gonna happen either way because he's been hurt so many times and he's exploded from holding all his emotions away and not having no one to vent to.


"I never asked for you to raise me" 😭😭😭

Sham Sham

every time i see that line im pointing at the screen like period bummy 😂


This is so so sad man, I know it's naive but I was holding out hope that there would be some sort of turning point and resolution for bum cuz of course you can understand the PTSD and trauma that he's going through but clearly this is the story of how that has corrupted him. NGL when I saw the episode run time just I knew it was going to end badly a shorter than normal episode always means they're going to kick you in the teeth at the end.