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If you watch, thanks for listening! Just wanted to be transparent as always.

How are you guys? Have you been alright? Anything new/cool going on with you? I certainly hope so! 



It’s good to hear from ya about all of that, I think just like how you ended the video no pressure needed, maybe some lol, don’t burn yourself out but ya maybe you were putting too much pressure on your self to make content that you thought we would like, or more so you would like, I get that travel vlogs experiencing things can always be the vibe, but even just vlogs where you are doing things here and there, daily things, fun things, short trips, minimal things, things done with friends inside, music related or not doesn’t need to be structured, maybe structure them like you did this this day that day like a daily vlog, a lot of viewers, at least for myself, would enjoy just those experiences non the less and for sure maybe in the future if you got to go with Paul do those types of structured stories, those for sure will be awesome, but don’t dwell on that too much, from the insta posts/stories from everyone it looked fun regardless and I think you for sure should put them on YouTube just for a wider audience in my opinion but will support ya decisions Anyways lol. Also that sucks to hear that those older folks got to ya like that hopefully it wasn’t all like that, it always seems like there are those folks who don’t seem to understand the concept of foreigners but anyways I’ll look forward to any videos you decide to put out there, I think I made this too long so I’ll stop here lol oh and the collab sounds cool even with the messed audio

Sham Sham

if ur still wanting to upgrade ur set just slowly start building up to it, buy little things here and there until then. u know we will always enjoy the content don't matter if we see the bed in the back or something more upgraded like u said. love to hear how u were able to get out of your comfort one a bit and be more social while in Korea, I feel like traveling forces the socialness out which can suck for us introverts, haha but it's necessary, once it happens it's like wow. I need to find things to help me get out of my box myself. and yes I feel the whole traveling with other people, not getting to enjoy the things u wanted to do just because they may have done it already. I myself love going to places I've already been if only I was there for u ant 😂 Now I might sound like a hater but i myself don't really vibe with how all these random K-pop reactors want to randomly become interviewers for idols especially when they just started reacting to K-pop. IDK y it bothers me but it does, like i don't feel genuine interest from them when watching their videos but then here they go "moving" to Korea, making videos with idols and all this but still don't be knowing half of the members/ groups name, sons, just gives me major clout/attention seeking because they know k-pop is still big out here in the U.S for us. if we ever get that day for you i would be so happy. like to know someone who has a genuine interest, really does listen, and is a fan of not just one, or the most popular group(s)👀 but actually listens to multiple artists, and gives so many groups a chance.. like yes can't wait. glad you here u didn't feel/get any pressure to post while being in Korea and trying to enjoy yourself because there really wasn't any. but will be looking forward to some posts today, most likely will watch them after work because i have a feeling they will be posted while I'm at work tonight haha. enjoyed this talk, thank you for feeling comfortable enough to share. and holy apologize for hwo long this was. have a great day ant see u later


I really appreciate the response Sham! I am also happy and proud of myself for the experience and attempts to do more out of my comfort zone and I wish the same for you! I think it would be so cool if I am ever able to get to the point where I could pay to bring a few of you guys on a trip and make videos with y'all, I think that would be awesome. I don't think you sound like a hater, I understand how you feel as a creator myself. I feel overlooked, just because I don't have many subscribers/views. When the newer channels (created after mine) that happened to grow fast, and then get those opportunities it also made me feel a bit of that like - but I know these members' names? I have heard more than a song and this and that but as I learned while there, none of that matters to the companies, it is business after all. Anything to get more eyes on the artists/groups, is what they'll pursue, I was just told to not take it personally, but it still bums me out. Thank you so much for responding, really!


Trust, it's not too long at all. I'm just grateful for anyone who listens, let alone responds. I was certainly putting the pressure on myself, I'm just wanting to put out things that I can also be proud of when I get the chance to, so I feel its validated but also I see your view! Y'all may just want a little insight to get a glimpse of the experience and that could be good enough, I could be overcomplicating that small point. I'll do my best to keep it pushing and see what I can mold from what I have and share it anyways, if I don't absolutely hate it. The video that I made, personally, fits me the most. I believe there's no other kpop channel that would have done that video, and that feels nice. I may not be growing or as big as everyone else but I am still talking about things that I love and being genuine, and most importantly, having more fun with my videos. I am grateful for that, and you boss! Thank you!


Thanks for the update! I'm glad that a lot of good overall came out of your trip and if it helps at all the sense that I felt from the videos you have posted is that it was a great experience. I think that natural feeling of disappointment will happen with any trip this major where you don't get to do everything you had planned. it's something I've read about a lot as I'm wanting to start to travel more. I'm not a content creator so of course I can't relate it to having a vision for the type of video you wanted to put out but just acknowledging that I'm sure what you're feeling is normal and I feel like we as viewers are much more likely to enjoy whatever content you do develop from your footage just because we didn't set those expectations that you might have had on what it would look like I think a lot of people here are just down to see what you experienced and found most interesting. I actually finally have a group of people actually willing to commit to doing Japan and Korea this upcoming fall 2023 so totally get what you mean about traveling with others and trying to balance out different styles. Also glad to hear that you're excited about upcoming content, there's no better motivation in my opinion than self motivation when you feel energized to do something even if it technically counts as work. Definitely been enjoying the videos with you and Paul but even just the stuff on the main Channel or patreon has continued to great. As for me December is going to be a pretty annoying month with social commitments. I know that sounds bad but basically I'm a bridesmaid and I do not necessarily recommend it. Other than that looking forward to the holidays to sit around and play video games and maybe do some home improvement.