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The Uncanny Counter - Episode 2 - Reaction.mp4

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I’m so happy your reacting to this!! I love this drama because all of the action and suspense that takes place!


Abt the hallway bully "GET OUT OF MY WAY MORONS" scene. I couldn't help but think, what if all those kids just collectively started laughing their asses off at them. IMAGINE THE POWER.


it also pisses me off how none of those kids record the bullying, there were so many kids and none of them filmed it when they easily could have

Sham Sham

I lost it when Mr Mo-tak kept lifting up the boys head letting it hit the floor over and over 😂 like dude. Happy he can walk now but I will miss his Lil limp. The training scene was hilarious didn’t even give poor boy a break for the next session. And so of topic but can someone please tell me I’m not the only one who thought the kid who sat in front of mun after the fight looked like Joshua (17)

Jessica Vaquero

Just to explain Ha-na's power, she's not seeing with her ears lol. When an evil spirit steps into the territory she can sense it and see glimpses of who they are and where they are. Like Mo-tak said, they all can but she's the best at it. I can't wait for you to see the full capability of their powers, expecially Mun's, he really is the boss.

Estherlynn Lubin

Because those kids have “powerful” parents. They would just bury it and blame the other kids.


The scene where he walks again get’s me every time. 😭 I really enjoy how much focus is put on the bonds of family and friends and how much time is spent showing their relationship on screen, even with such an action/kinda detective-ish plot. It made me so much more invested in the drama since it made me “connect” with the characters a lot more. Even side characters like the foxy bully guy and the serial killer murderer evil spirit dude. They’re not one dimensional bad guys. Loved that. 👌🏼 And the humor is also sprinkled in at just the right moments. Mo-tak is so awkward but so hilarious. Definitely my favourite character I think. And second definitely Miss Choo. I mean... how can you not love her?


After your reaction to the first ep, I couldn't wait for you to upload the second reaction, so I ended up binging the whole thing on Netflix. This show is amazing!

Jessica Vaquero

i totally agree, every character has a motivation or a reason why they are the way they are, there aren't any bad guys who are evil for the sake of being evil. I especially enjoyed Cheong-sin and Hyeok-u's arcs and the way they were handled, even if they're unlikeable we were really able to understand them and they're just very interesting characters/antagonists.


Just seeing his pure joy at being able to walk again had me tearing up and then even more knowing what he really wanted was to see his parents. I do really like how humorous this show is even in the midst of the action it definitely makes that hour go by really fast.


Yeah, he kinda looks like Joshua. I didnt see it the first time, but after reading your comment I see the similarities too.