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hi, i hope everyone is okay.



<3 I hope you're okay


hi. ive been a little stressed out and bothered by the fact that we’re not having a grad ceremony yet they’re still assigning this bullshit homework:D 🤟 but for the most part i am .... okay. i hope ur doing alright as well


Stay safe out there. ♥️


i hope you’re okay too 💕


I'm very good. A bit stressed but only because i haven't been doing my drawing hw 😂😂 i get distracted easily haha. I hope you are doing well!! 💜


i’ve been bored out of my mind but other than that i’ve been great! hbu?? i hope you’re doing well and staying safe 💗💗


Trying to make it through this time while still working 2 jobs sometimes I wish I wasn't "essential "


i hope you doing well :) still waiting for itaewon ep10 hehe. keep safe and be healthy :)


Going okay— Slightly scared about my final grade, so I'm making chocolate chip cookies right now for my inevitable stress eating tomorrow. We'll see how it goes lol. How's it going for you? Well I hope.


Also, i started playing CoD because it looked like fun when i watched your live stream— but sadly, i realized i sucked at it lol.


been holed up in quarantine, playing animal crossing and making art. doing pretty good


It’s going okay. ~ How about you? Hope you’re doing well!


Haha finally got bored enough to start desiring homework... sorta.. mainly an “in the moment thing” I think~~ still doing okay. Hope all is well with you! Take care of yourself, man!

Promise Whitaker

Im ok, just been babysitting for the passed 2 weeks now and probably going crazy from it. How about you??


I'm okay atm, been watching alot of Studio Ghibli movies to pass the time, trying not to eat all the food in my house, whilst also procrastinating about the amount of work I have to do for uni😂😂 How about you? How are you?


I moved home my workcomputer so have been working from home for 1 1/2 week now and I am geting soooooo bored. But should not complain because I have a job, and I can do it from home but it sucks to keep a social distans. We are not i quarantine but the goverment has asked people to try not to go out to much and all my activetys have been laid on ice... But how are you doing Anthony?


Doing good catching up on all the shows and dramas and YouTube videos I missed hope all is well with you man 💯👍🏾🙏🏾


im behind on a lot of my work for uni, i feel like an absolute loser for not graduating still. It's been 5 years and my gpa isn't even that great. I don't know, just feeling like an over all burden but im also trying not to dwell in that state of mind cause then I wont get anything done. On the bright side, I'm planning on starting youtube for real after I finish and really making content I like.


Hope you're okay too!


hi, please keep being okay! the things out of your control shouldn't be stressed over, i gotta learn that advice too


i mainly stay in my room aha, but thank you, i hope you and everyone else stays safe as well.


at least you have animal crossing and a switch! i've gotta wait until things go back down in price ahaha


aye harley, that's awesome. it's pretty cool, maybe we can play sometime. with a bit of practive i'm sure you'll get better


sounds delicious, i used to love baking. maybe i can get back into that some day. don't be afraid of your grade, i'm sure you did excellent!


makes sense, i feel it. stay safe out there audur, i hope you can find some alternatives to your plans!


that sounds like a vibe, there's a handful of ghibli films i've yet to see, i am ashamed. don't procrastinate though, it's horrible




Yh I know it's bad to procrastinate 😔, I have been trying to snap myself out of it, doing a little bit each day, changing scenery when I can (which isn't much, there's only 3 places I can study at home😂), but I'm trying


The world is weird right now and time doesn't feel real, which is an issue when you still have college coursework. And I miss my work kids. But better safe than sorry, I guess. Hope you're doing well too

ATINY Song Jihyeon

Yeah Not To Bad My Dude, Just Extremely Bored And Really Wait To See You React To More W:Two Worlds, But.....Unfortunately I Have To Unsubscribe From Patreon All Together Because My Money Is Running Seriously Low, No Work Means No Money For Me Unfortunately, So When I Get More Money Again I Will Be Able To Watch You Watching W:Two Worlds Again! Sorry My Dude But Food And Health Is More Important Right Now! <3 Nothing But Love Though Everyone Stay Safe And Healthy Yeah?!?! Xxxx