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Itaewon Class - Episode 8 - Reaction.mp4

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Yi-seo isn’t a bad person,maybe just a little close minded. The drama is just trying to show how racial racism still exist in a lot of asian countries and Korea being a conservative country of course has it too. Just as how they think that Toni should speak english just because he is a foreign or that all dark skinned people are from Africa.


about the staff eating at the restaurants thing, i assume its not common for like franchise restaurants, but theres a kbbq place near my campus when i was studying in korea that i went to a lot and the two shop owners would sit next to us and eat meals with us! like me and my friend would be grilling meat and theyd make some ramen and stuff for themselves, but also share it with us as well, it was really cute. i agree, i love that kind of vibe & wholesomeness


honestly i really dislike yiseo's character and i, to this day, have no idea why geunsoo is so whipped for her. her entire personality is actually revolting and if this was real life i wouldve had to slap this girl lmfaoo but luckily it's a drama. kim dami (who plays yiseo) is an amazing actress though, i really like her


also i wanted to comment on yiseo posting that insta story saying that tony was from africa. personally, i think she worded it like that because that was the easiest way for her to gain the response (sympathy) she wanted from the korean general public. if she had claimed that he was korean and stuff, then (unfortunately) the general public in korea wouldnt have been as sympathetic probably because that is still a situation/concept that theyre not used to or understand. so, from her yiseo's pov, it was pretty smart. and if you notice, she even says in the caption that she cant stand those racists, but we know damn well she did not care and hardly thought of it as racist, so she def just said all of that for the sake of ruining that clubs reputation and making saeroi happy :/ (omg sorry this is so long)

Suzanne Austen

I don't think Yi Seo is a bad person. I think she is just sooo focused on one thing (Danbam) and so focused on trying to make it succeed that she just has no room to care about anything else and that she'll do anything to make them succeed. Also with the Toni thing, I think she was trying to make the others see that no matter what they do, other Koreans won't see Toni as Korean just because hes half Korean and doesn't have nationality there. Yi Seo is a realist so that makes it hard for her to understand Saeroyis ideals to keep everyone at the pub instead of firing someone for the benefit of Danbam


sadly agreed, same with the transgender topic -- i hate what she said about hyunyi and toni, but i guess in a way, she's just being real. I think her character is a character that shows the realistic side of south korea. The conservativeness and ignorance towards people of color and gay (or transgender) people. It's sad but having main characters like toni and hyunyi in the show is a huge eye opener, especially cause they directly talk about the topics so maybe it'll open the doors for conversation in korea? who knows.

Leenah B

DKDKTV uploaded an interview with the actor of Kim Toni and he talked about how clubs won't let black people in sometimes. Also, I didn't like how Yiseo apologized too, she's not the greatest personality to watch and grow to like lol oh well


honestly toni’s character irritated me a bit in this episode. I’m black so seeing him being discriminated against for being black or how they put it “being from Africa”, and his response was to say he’s korean kinda rubbed me the wrong way. like ok we get your dad is korean but these people obviously have a problem with your blackness and u being half korean not gon change that. He’s from guinea so he’s still african. idk I just find it weird that if you run into a racist your first response would be to say you’re mixed......


yeah i was aware of that because i looked into it for the trip i was supposed to have last month. it's jus like agghhhh, but i watched dkdk's vid too :D


I honestly understand Yiseo completely, I don't agree with the way she handled everything in this episode but I get it. Also, between a Character like Whiny and Yiseo I always prefer the one that keeps it real. I saw a Ton of hate for Yiseo online but many people apparently like S and I just don't get that. Between someone that does everything je can for another Person even if she lacks empathy for everyone else and someone that basically only cares for their own wellbeing I will always prefer people like Yiseo. Maybe that's also because... I would be pretty harsh to Toni too in a few instances. Like his insitence on being korean. He is half Korean and doesn't have a citizenship yet, I wouldn't have called him Korean or mixed either if I wanted to get sympathy and outrage for people of color in Korea because that takes away from the issue if you know what I mean. That's the only thing that annoys me about Toni. He said he is from Guinea once and then never even mentioned anything else than his Korean heritage. As someone that's pretty mixed myself I just don't get that. If someone asked me what I am (which I get a lot, I also often get "wow, you are the fairest girl I ever saw, where are you from" or "you don't look German, where is your family from") I usually say my family lived in germany for a nearly a century now and if they actually want to know more then explain that I'm from Prussian decent, Skandinavian, Romanian and German ancestry and everything else that's around here 😉.


man if i hear “but you’re not a korean” one more time i’m gonna lose my mind. i heard that yiseo & sooah were just really terrible characters in general but i didn’t think it was like this. yiseo apologies ain’t even genuine man it’s like she only does it because of saeroyi. And even if it is just for saeroyi atleast act like you’re actuallu sorry 😭😭 cause like what was that half ass apology to geunwoo or whatever his name is. “i’m sorry but i like saeroyi so stay out of my way” or whatever wasn’t even an apology. ik her character is like a sociopath and at first it was interesting but now i’m just annoyed by her. the fact that the writers are making me choose between sooah and yiseo for saeroyi is just absolutely terrible


idk if I'm wording this in the most articulate way but basically-- obv the show is dealing w some pretty sensitive topics, some of which are still kind of taboo to talk about in Korea, and yiseo reflects the thoughts about said topics that the general sk public may think. however, as the show progresses, hopefully the audience watching who can relate to yiseo on this mentality will be able to grow and become more open minded as she does throughout the show. Even though I'm half Korean, I'm still considered a foreigner in the eyes of South Korea. how they perceive nationality is very different from how we do in the west. Even if you're fully Korean but born overseas, you are considered a foreignor. Though racism is definitely prevalent in this episode and in sk (bc its everywhere unfortunately) the word foreigner in sk has very different connotations and is used in a much more different context than it would in the west.


im on the same page. others say she's being a realist and stuff based on the views of how it actually can be in the general public but i felt like those topics could have been approached differently - maybe i'm just salty from it stinging lol. she definitely is started to annoy me tho. the apology is what did it the most then she punched my heart to what she said to geun soo


the one thing i wish the writers wouldn’t do is how Easily they make characters forgive others (mainly yiseo) when they say/do shitty things. like when yiseo tried to get hyun yi fired. now if it was solely for her cooking i would totally agree with her but it wasn’t (which i don’t even wanna get into that cause.... ik sk / sensitive topics 😒) how is yiseo saying hyun yi’s cooking is improving a form of an apology pls why am i upset now 😐


oof also just an afterthought, though I do think this arc of the episode could've been written better, a lot of ppl like to say yiseo only changes because of saeroyi and that she doesn't really grow as a person. First off, isn't that what love is though? when someone wants to make you better yourself? For the entirety of her life, Yiseo has gone without caring about the feelings of others, it's just not in her nature. Given the way she is, being in love with someone is a huge deal for her and I personally believe her and saeroyi's personalities help balance each other out at times. saeroyi can sometimes be a little TOO idealistic, working sheerly on passion. yiseo balances that out by being a realist, a HUGE realistic which in turn saeroyi's compassion helps take the edge off that. Yiseo is learning through lessons from saeroyi, and personally in my opinion saying Yiseo only changes because of saeroyi sounds a bit shallow, because we all know her feelings for him are far from shallow. I would like to believe that what she has learned would continue to stick with her even if saeroyi stopped being in her life for whatever reason


I ~~personally~~ really like how they wrote Yiseo. As I’m majoring psychology (that’s where my perspective comes from btw) I got a bit worried about the “sociopath” thing because it’s really easy to lay stereotypes and no depth at all to it. But for my surprise they were pretty consistent with that throughout the show. She changes in some aspects but there’s always a struggle underneath those changes. It’s like... for her ‘own good’ (to have saeoryi or wtv) she needs to try to change some things... which doesn’t necessarily mean it’s insincere. She just doesn’t comprehend why Saeoryi ‘needs people’ because she herself doesn’t think she needs people, and that’s where a lot of her insensitivity comes from. At first she really doesn’t care at all, but then she starts to care... at some point. Its very subtle though and in her own way. You can see in the little details throughout the show. If she went around apologizing her heart out and just openly caring for everyone around her it would be just very unrealistic, that’s why I think her character is pretty consistent and well thought. It just shows how difficult it is for us to understand a sociopath with our ‘common sense’ mindset, but for me (once again coming from a psychological pov) her attempts to adjust or adapt herself to those changes her love for saeoryi brought in her life are quite impressive. She is sincerely trying. Usually a sociopath (not all) won’t have much filter on what they say if that doesn’t really benefit them, and the fact that they used that ‘aspect’ of hers to bring to the table such REALISTIC and sensitive topics like that, specially in SK that is still a very conservative and prejudiced country, in such a raw form, probably makes the viewers dislike her and her beliefs since they also go against Saeoryi’s beliefs... and in a way I think that’s what they wanted? I don’t think they (the writers?) wanted people to exactly ‘like her’, but they definitely used her character to call people out on their bs....pretty consistently.


The TV show is trying to get the viewer to be on Yiseo's side SO BAD. Her actions have no lasting impact on her relationships, and her ‘resolutions’ are completely self-serving. She gets into social-politcal conflicts, calling Toni African and insulting people who are transgender. But her so-called resolutions are all centered around Saeroyi. Saeroyi doesn't care if their worker is transgender , so Yiseo suddenly wants to help her cook now. Saeroyi thinks Yiseo is rude for telling Toni he's not Korean so, oppsies I'll apologize and help you now, and cue the ‘emotional’ music. No. This character has no motivations outside of her romantic interests. She is a just a sociopath learning what Saeroyi values are, and adjusting herself her whatever he wants. We all know that if Saeroyi fired the girl for being transgender that Yiseo would be happily kicking her to the curb. If there is one more episode of “Yiseo is offensive, Saeroyi gets mad at her. Yiseo realizes she likes him so she’ll do what he wants despite just so she can have him” Nope. No thanks. Very interesting character and I like the writing, but Saeroyi needs a actual good girl, not a LITERAL SOCIOPATH (don’t spoil this for me. I watch only watch this when Anthony posts his reactions so I don’t know what comes next ahh)


I've been watching it along with Anthony so I don't know much. However, this drama is rated mature and I can see why. It's not just the swearing and blood and mentions of sex. It's also going farther than just "touching" on real life issues. I get Yiseo can get really annoying, i feel it, but that's how it really is for sociopaths. And the way that the writers aren't trying to soften everything up but rather make all of the issues as real as possible while still maintaining the kdrama... "drama" lol. No character is necessarily terrible, but they're just a whole lot more real than what we could be used to seeing on tv. Racism, transphobic, sociopaths (mental disorders/distortions/unusualities (that's not a word pretty sure but you get my point)), motivations of relationships, business. This is the most real show I've ever watched so far. It hasn't just stopped at a light brush or poke, but continued to dig deep under the skin. I can't wait to watch the next episodes and see if it can keep it up while also showing some nice character development.


cant wait for episode 9 :))


I would like to recommend "Prison Playbook". I have a feeling you will love the story. It has a bit of everything, basically prison drama that teaches you about life. It was very popular when it was airing, please check it out if you have time.


still waiting for episode 9 :(

Bri Nicole

I feel like a lot of people wanted to smack up yiseo at some point in time😂I absolutely love her character because it’s so different the “typical” girl who likes a boy in a kdrama, she brought out emotions of a lot of people, good and bad😂😭A recommendation in a drama I would like to give if you’re interested in is “Crash Landing On You”, if you haven’t watched it, OMG that show is amazing, I’ve watched the season twice and it never fails to make me cry😂It’s about a girl who ends up in North Korea after an accident and a North Korean soldier ends up hiding her in his military village and everything bad starts happening from there, from crime, to a love triangle, murder mysteries, shoot outs, amazing fight scenes and I think it’s the funniest kdrama I have ever watched,it’s hilarious 😂I honestly can’t wait for further episodes of itaewon class❤️


broooo I cant stand yiseo. you should watch the king eternal monarch and boys over flowers, they're both on netflix


toni is west african he is from guinea which is in arica and they speak fremch.