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see ya soon, thanks again.



Mats Strandlund

Miss ya buddy! Looking forward to you feeling better and happier!!! Looking forward to new videos when you’re ready :)


honestly, i completely understand that you needed to just have time off and for yourself only because i am in need of a break too. i feel like going crazy lately haha. but i'm glad you're working on getting better! it takes a lot of courage actually. stay safe 💕💕


Take care and take your time coming back as well. It’s ok if you need more time for yourself because you should always come first. We love you lots and will wait for you! If you need anything at all please let me know! 💙


Sending lots of love your way!

Cam T Crowley

I'm glad you're trying too. ❤️


Make sure to take care of yourself first, because that’s priority 👀 I’m sure people could wait a little longer and if they can’t then they’re just fake 😂 Anywayyyy hope you can stop suffering soon 🥰


I really manually checked for updates at least twice a day even tho i knew id get a notification 🥺 i missed you but just do whats good for your health 💜 have rose 🌹 feel better soon~ ✨


Sending positivity in your reflection period💜


do whatever you gotta do to make yourself feel better ❤️ sending you love


So glad that you are at least trying to feel better and no pressure, you can take more time if it was for me 🌸 stay healthy please, that's what matters the most


I understand whole heartedly. I deal with personal problems, so I believe that mental health should be your top priority. Cant’t wait to watch your future videos.☺️💕


Of course, and I'm excited to see your bong soon reaction


take your time, mental health is the key of everything and we will wait ! ily and remember love yourself.


i'm hella late, but looking forward to these :D been working hella overtime because i'm tired of being broke, but now i'm just tired lol