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hi um... i know it's not anything like i normally post but i went to my friend's sisters wedding. i took pics for fun and kinda just wanted to share with you all for criticism. i'd like to do photography and stuff alongside making youtube videos so i'm trying to get practice and build a portfolio of sorts.

i guess i can use this as an update post as well, i didn't expect as many positive responses that came from my last update - thank you to everyone who's supporting and sending love. i am going to keep trying to work on myself so i can feel better because it is draining my happiness from everyday tasks. some of us fall victim to our own minds but i'd like to send encouragement to those who are still fighting too. keep it up and stay strong, we can be great. well, anyways, i sold all of my camera lenses, and won't be getting another one in till tuesday so sit tight for me please. 




this is so adorable!


These pictures are really good


wait these pics are so pretty!!


they’re almost as beautiful as you


I really like these photos! Good job :) And, best of luck with everything else ❤


These are gorgeous! The picture of the bride with tears in her eyes is such a beautiful shot - it really tells a story. I think you would do a wonderful job being a photographer! 😊


I seriously love the stairway pic and your depth of fields on the others are great I'd say just pay attention to the exposure when it comes to the darker room settings but they all look great


i don’t look at histograms or anything yet but all of the darker room shots were shot at iso 2000 at f1.8 . i didn’t want to introduce noise or anything so i just stayed low, the dynamic range of my camera is pretty good but i wanted to keep it moody. thank you!!


These are gorgeous omg 🥺🥺🥺🥺


thank you i thought so too, i was almost nervous to send it to them because i thought they only wanted like smiley photos


These are really beautiful pictures! I don't know anything about photography to give constructive criticism but I know what I like and I feel like there was a lot of emotion captured in these.


Beautiful photography


Beautiful pictures Anthony! I personally love the first picture of the couple going up the stairs and the ring pictures. You showed good use of the lighting and angles. The picture with the mom (or bride?) crying, maybe the lighting could have been slightly better....? But one thing I will say is that I did feel the emotion she was displaying and I liked that. Overall you did a great job! Was this your first "professional" set of pictures? I would be interested to see more.


Oh my gosh Anthony, these pictures are so beautiful! You really captured all the emotions that come with a wedding perfectly. I bet your friend was super happy with them. Great job! 💙


The pictures are really beautiful Anthony. keep going, never give up on your dreams. Keep going cuz you’re doing great❤️never lose yourself, sending good vibes💪🏼


These are so good!! I don’t have any criticism, sorry. These actually made me feel something, usually wedding photos are meh to me but this actually convey feelings.


And I hope things look up soon. You’re strong, you can get through this💕


wow these are so pretty! i have to say that i especially love the stairway picture. it’s just absolutely gorgeous


These are dope!! Did you take classes?? And hope you reach a peaceful mental space soon💜..


the one crying was the bride, but yes the lighting was pretty inconvenient and i wasn’t the photographer who was hired so i just brought one lens to work with. this is my first time taking pictures that wasn’t for myself yes! i guess you could even say this was my first time going out to shoot! thank you lori!

Barbi Duarte

these are so pretty !! Wedding fotos tend to be always the same, stiff and unatural, but these actually have emotion, like the cake pic, its not just them smiling and looking at the camera, you cought a really loving moment.

Dillon Mesquitta

coming from someone who's in school for photography & design, these are all really good, anthony. the first one, compositionally, is probably the best and the one where she's tearing up is really great too! one of the first things we're taught is to not shoot the subject at the center, so maybe that's something i would critique? think of the rule of thirds. obviously different situations call for different angles so you gotta do what works best in the moment 🤗 you're doing great!! hope you're able to expand on it and do more work. nash potatoes are proud of you fr!


i love photography ! these are soo good


hey dillon, i really appreciate it especially with your area of study! i unfortunately only thought of the rule of thirds when i was editing these photos, i need to get in the habit of thinking of the composition while being out shooting for sure. i’m glad you enjoyed them! thank you 🙏


thank you katie! i hope so, i don’t think his sister has seen them yet since they’re on the honeymoon but hopefully i’ll hear their opinions on it next week!


These are all really lovely!! I can totally see the potential in you for photography, keep going!


These photos are beautiful. Low key, at first glance, I thought maybe you started another drama lol you should def keep at it👌🏾


These pictures are beautiful. You really have a hand in taking photos Anthony! You should pursue it further <3


dude!! you're really, really good! I love the tones your photos have, they're super easy on the eyes and beautiful


what kind of camera did you use 😍

ATINY Song Jihyeon

The Images Are Beautiful, It's Like You Colour-Graded Them In Your Own Style And Concept, So Clear And Sharp Yet Light And Airy! So Pretty! I Love The Focusing On The Photos Too. I Swear I Could Picture Them And The Way They Moved During The Time You Took The Pictures, You Took The Pictures In A Way That Made Them Come To Life In My Eyes. <3 Nothing But Love. Xxxx