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oooooooooooooh what you talking about anthony it's run week wtf! how ya gonna just not - me and paul had a day where we record videos. normally it's a handful, this time we only did a few. he's been losing sleep since he's been binge watching one piece. he didn't tell me until AFTER falling asleep during the episode basically that he had been up very late and didn't feel like he had energy. so he ended up napping on my floor and then we went to see spiderman.

anywho, i didn't wanna upload the reaction and you see paul literally zoned out of his head and yeah, so run 21 was a slower paced episode.. i liked when they played shoe archery, i was hella lost when they were making those dumpling-things in the beginning (why chocolate and tuna?!) until the end when we find out that it was a punishment to eat them! so yeah, that was interesting! suga played it cool and bodied that hackysack like game at the end! it'd be tight to see him do that with a soccer ball. well, i am apologizing for the no upload today but i will throw up some early access reactions and stuff in place. i sorry




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