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Just seeing what you guys wanna check out with me. I was going to film these today but this morning was completely occupied with trying to get BTS Tour tickets and I cleaned my room :)



Hey! So I just became a patreon and I watched your reaction to the first episode of bon voyage and I was wondering if you ever completed that or plan to complete it? Sorry if I just missed it I spent a lot of time scrolling earlier on my phone looking for videos so I could’ve just looked over it. But I also saw that you apparently lost some videos from your old google drive or something? So maybe they were on there and I just missed it? Not sure but if u have a link I would love it. If not, it’s completely fine I just wanna make sure I’m not missing anything :) thanks


yes yes! i do plan on finishing! also, some videos got lost yes, i made a new account.


Run ep 40 please!!!


i’m debating, a lot of people asked me to start from 1 and go up - i dunno what’s best


I became a patreon just for yg treasure box 💔:(


dropping by to say the newest run eps, eps 63-65 (its a 3 parts one) are pretty funny! the last ep (65) the boys do a debate and they each have forbidden words, and whoever says their forbidden word gets sprayed at with a water gun is the funniest, so if you don’t have the time you can watch that separately. it’s the last part tho, so you’ll be spoiled of the first two parts’ scores (63-64) :D about the people asking you to start from ep 1 up to recent eps, i really suggest you do that when you’re sure you have time. even i’m going to admit that some eps aren’t really That entertaining, even though i want you to watch from ep 1 too, it’s going to be a long ride cause i know you wanna make sure you enjoy the things that you watch :3 it IS time consuming, but it’s worth it when you’re in the good eps and you’ve formed this kind of weird attachment to the run eps fmfksjfjskd. so if you do decide to start from ep 1, i hope you find it fun! :3 (and if you don’t and people get mad about it, they suck! and congrats on the tickets!!!! too bad for me, bighit seems to forget the philippines exists :( )


I agree with the person above, if you are gonna start from EP 1 with run make sure you have time for it cause it takes a long time. And also agian like she said above not at all episodes are that funny (my personal opinion) and I saw some other reactors that I follow that reacted to all the run episodes where a lot of the people in the comments where rude and mad because the reactors didn’t laugh at a certain part or didn’t find some episodes that funny. Run episodes are really funny but it all comes down to preference and not everyone finds the same things funny and some people just don’t realise that. So I woud say just do whatever you wanna do and what you think works best for you 😊


hey thanks for this! i’m coming up with a loose filming and posting schedule so that i can make sure i have time for it. ahh yeah, i’d hope no one got mad if our humor is different but that’s okay.