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dailymotion link: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x70g482

yall youtube is wildin so ateez hala hala is coming up on patreon... copyright claims left and right is normal but blocking the vid worldwide is WACKO


ATEEZ(에이티즈) - 'HALA HALA (Hearts Awakened, Live Alive)' Performance Video - REACTION.mp4



What a coincidence, I just watched Hala. I'm surprised it's being blocked. It looked like there were a bunch of reactions on yt. What goes on? Anyway, I LOVED Pauls faux British accent, more of that plz! Ateez had one of the strongest debuts in 2018, imo. I hope they get more recognition in 2019. I loved this performance. My one complaint why are they all wearing masks? I understand it's probably part of the concept, but why couldn't they have removed them during the video. I really liked the styling. The hats were great. The black and white was very fitting. I just wish they'd shown their faces


yeah i feel that too! i don’t know any of them so this didn’t help with that 😂 i am confused as to why my video couldn’t go up as well but it’s okay i have a lot of others i haven’t edited yet