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Welcome new comers and a warm hello to my dear Patreons.

Wanted to let you know what I'm currently working on.

I'm currently working on a Valentines art pack with several other artist to make some extra money on the side. So I will be focusing on that. I'm doing the cover inking of Candence  (someone else will be coloring it to save time on me) and a full picture of Fluttershy (one alt with Eris) with several other alts. 

I will be posting WIPS and some in between sketches till then. 

After thats over. I need to focus on Bigger commissions. So soon!

I will still do some smalls sketches and painting/color practices in between to keep the content flowing. Any suggestion from you guys would be wonderful too.

 I'm also still up for those exspression practices if you guys still want to have your oc or any cannon character drawn. PM on Patreon the character and the letter/number on the lewd or Soupery exapmles.   


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