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I believe I had 3 bots this round. giving them 24 hours to respond to my message. if not I will be removing them. 

I will be setting up the Dropbox password in the morning and will be handing them out. Some good art will be coming out this month. Daki (both sides) will be finished sometime next week and will share the jpgs (Sorry not allowed to give out the pngs for Dakimakura) with you all. 

Now for the Work horse Tier peeps. I'm still behind on the previous patreons, but will be taking care of them when the Daki for FD is finished. (I need that extra income >.>) So Please send me your emails for February Patreon Reward as the title and your Patreon AND Stream name (if you have one) to tehpandavirus@gmail.com

Since I missed January due to some personal issues, for those who were January Patreons I will allow 1-2 characters again OR you can take your previous patreon reward (If I still owe you one for Nov/Dec) and mash it with this one to have up to 3 characters and a simple background. 

Up to you. 

NOTE: I am going to teaching myself Clip Studio Pro and plan to do these rewards there. So I might not be able to get them done in one weekend as I will be torturing myself learning the art program. 


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