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Patron finally has a phone app. Keep tabs Patreon and socialize with you all more. Get to know you guy more (though i might already know most of you) An update, I'm currently putting the finish in touches to the Cadence and Chryssi. She will have two alts, herm/futa and gaping with a double ended. Sorry this is taking so long. I ended up redoing all the lines and add in more and more detail. So it will be done today or in the next few days. After that ill will be handling smaller doodles and patreon doodles. Going back to my old style making them more quick and not as fine lined as my OCD self keeps doing xD. Alright must stop typing. Phone battery is about to kick it again. Chat with you all soon.



awsome glad to see your feeling better


Thanks. I am feeling a lot better. I really need that break.