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Swirling Chaos Ch. 35 (Naruto)

  • Summon a Shadow Clone so there's a Naruto for each Hyuga Sister 246
  • Summon Kurama so she and Hanabi can have fun while he focuses on Hinata 87
  • Handle them both by his lonesome, one on two without clones or Kurama's assistance 154
  • 2024-04-30
  • —2024-05-13
  • 487 votes
{'title': 'Swirling Chaos Ch. 35 (Naruto)', 'choices': [{'text': "Summon a Shadow Clone so there's a Naruto for each Hyuga Sister", 'votes': 246}, {'text': 'Summon Kurama so she and Hanabi can have fun while he focuses on Hinata', 'votes': 87}, {'text': "Handle them both by his lonesome, one on two without clones or Kurama's assistance", 'votes': 154}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 13, 7, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 30, 14, 55, 23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 487}


A/N: Naruto meets Hinata.


You know what? Sure. He’d go with the flow on this, fuck it. Or rather… fuck Hinata Hyuga, maybe.

“Alright. Only if she agrees of her own volition, Hanabi. Otherwise nothing is happening. You’d better be sure she’ll say yes, because if not, you’ll have potentially damaged your relationship with your sister for nothing.”

His warning seems to fall on deaf ears, because Hanabi just giggles even as she beams brightly.

“Yes! You won’t regret this, Naruto. And don’t worry about my relationship with Hinata. It’s obvious that the Hinata from the other timeline was very different from the one in this timeline!”

That was potentially true, Naruto supposed. He’d never met Hinata in this world before, so he only had his memories of the one from the other world to go off of. He supposed the Hinata of this world had never known him, and she hadn’t lost her mother either, so maybe she wasn’t so easily fit into the box that Naruto’s subconscious biases were trying to fit her into.

… Still, how different could she REALLY be?


“Hanabi. To ask me to come to the Hokage’s Compound to meet with you is very curious, you know?”

Turns out, she could be very different. Bahaha!

“Sister, thank you for coming!”

Naruto resists the urge to grimace or react to Kurama’s words in any way, even as Hanabi rushes forward to greet her sister. Hinata had appeared in a perfectly performed body flicker and all of the context clues were telling him this WAS Hinata… but he was still struggling to wrap his head around it because… well, because she looked nothing like the Hinata he remembered.

Her hair is still straight in stereotypical Hyuga Fashion. And her eyes are still white, though her Byakugan is currently inactive. It’s still Hinata’s face even with the bright red lipstick on her lips, which split into a smile as she reaches out to put a hand atop her younger sister’s head.

However, everything below the neck… it screams Kurenai Yuhi to Naruto. Though really, that’s only on first glance. On second glance, Naruto has to amend his original impression from Kurenai Yuhi… to ‘Kurenai Yuhi-inspired’. Put simply, Hinata is wearing a lot less clothing then she ever preferred in the other timeline.

The Hinata that he’d known was always dressed in baggy stuff that hid her body even before she’d actually grown up and matured. This Hinata is not suffering from the same insecurities though obviously, because even though she’s very matured, she’s flaunting it like there’s no tomorrow. Bandages just like Kurenai wrap around Hinata’s arms and the rest of her voluptuous body, while a red mesh armored blouse similar to Kurenai’s standard attire but also different enough to be unique clings to her body.

Her legs are more exposed than Naruto had ever seen them, and she’s even showing off some of her substantial cleavage. This Hinata… is in no way afraid of male attention, that’s Naruto’s ultimate conclusion. In fact, she clearly capitalizes on her physical attributes in order to distract and take down her opponents.

In an instant, Naruto understands what must have happened. First, Hinata’s mother never died. So even if her father and the Hyuga Clan Elders were asshats about her and Hanabi’s respective skill levels, Hinata’s mother had likely protected her. From what Hanabi said, their mom was a certified badass.

Second, Hinata hadn’t had Naruto when she went to the Ninja Academy. She hadn’t had him to rely on, or look up to, or develop a crush over. What she DID have was Kushina’s reforms to help her find her footing as well as her passion, and to help turn her into a capable Genin-level Kunoichi even before graduating from the Academy.

Third, without her crippling insecurities and abject shyness bringing her down, and without Naruto to look up to, Hinata had still wound up on a team under Kurenai Yuhi. From the look of things, she’d taken one look at her sensei and decided ‘Yeah, Ima get me some of that’. Though it wasn’t just Kurenai’s influence either, Naruto belatedly realizes… Hinata’s legs are clad in fishnets that remind him of a certain friend of Kurenai’s. One Anko Mitarashi.

The same moment that that particular realization crosses Naruto’s mind, Hinata’s white eyes flicker up from Hanabi and he belatedly realizes he’s gotten so distracted ogling Hanabi’s older sister that he’d completely missed whatever they were saying to one another. The way Hinata’s gaze narrows on him makes it pretty clear though… as does the fact that Naruto finds himself falling into a genjutsu a moment later.

He briefly considers disrupting it and not letting the genjutsu actually take hold, but upon realizing that it’s from Hinata, he lets it happen. Apparently, the Hyuga Kunoichi hadn’t just picked up Kurenai’s look from her, but also some of her tricks as well.

In the genjutsu, Naruto finds himself suddenly alone with Hinata in the courtyard of the Hokage’s Compound, even as the earth suddenly turns into quicksand beneath his feet, rapidly pulling him down into its depths and sucking him all the way up to his neck. With just his head above the ground, Hinata saunters over to him and crouches down in front of him, prodding his forehead with her fingers.

“My baby sister wants me to fuck you, Naruto Uzumaki. Tell me, did you put her up to this?”

Kurama is laughing in the back of his mind again, the jerk. Naruto, meanwhile, hesitates for only a second before deciding how to handle Protective Big Sis Hinata. He could have acted afraid, could have acted nervous, and could have all around set her at ease if he played his cards right… but even if this is a very different Hinata than he’s used to, he doesn’t feel like lying to her. Nor does he feel like playing the weakling.

Staring up into Hinata’s eyes rather than taking the almost blatant open invitation to stare at any other part of her beautiful body, Naruto shakes his head, the only movement allowed to him in this genjutsu.

“No. It was Hanabi’s suggestion and I advised against it. She was insistent that you would be on board.”

Hinata raises an eyebrow at that, her lips peeling back to reveal a grin with teeth that are just a tad too sharp. Not outright shark teeth or anything like that, but just barely more pointed than normal… an unsettling appearance meant to disquiet him and keep him off balance. All part of the genjutsu, of course.

“Oh? And you expect me to believe that my little sister gets a boyfriend and the day after is already trying to push me into a threesome with him WITHOUT it being his idea?”

Hinata had learned the genjutsu from Kurenai, but she’d learned the menace from Anko. Sheesh, those two had really created a monster hadn’t they? A sexy, beautiful monster… but even still. At least Naruto understood why Hanabi seemed so convinced she wouldn’t be able to bully her sister into doing anything Hinata didn’t want to do.

“She started with Satsuki Uchiha, so yes.”

Hinata blinks at that, clearly taken aback.

“… What?”

Finally, the shoe is on the other foot!

“I’m sure you heard about Hanabi’s apprenticeship to Lady Mikoto. Well, when Lady Mikoto’s daughter found out we’d both graduated from the Academy early, she decided to test us. By the time all was said and done, Hanabi convinced Satsuki to join us in the hot springs, where all three of us had sex. Without any expressed interest on my part beforehand, I might add.”

Hinata just stares at him for a long moment before scowling.

“You’re not lying. How are you not lying? More than that, you’re rather unperturbed by all of this for a Genin…”

Naruto tilts his head to the side in a shrug seeing as his body is still ‘buried’ up to the neck. Hm, in the end perhaps he’s let this drag out a bit too long. With barely a thought, he finally disrupts Hinata’s genjutsu.

In an instant, the scene with him buried in the ground and Hinata crouching in front of him comes to an abrupt end. Instead, Naruto is right back where he’d been before, and so is Hinata. Despite the fact that they’d been talking for a couple minutes, Hanabi doesn’t know anything happened because only about half a second has passed out in the real world.

Turning to her sister, Hinata frowns down at Hanabi.

“Hanabi, what’s this I hear about you seducing Satsuki Uchiha in a hot spring?”

Hanabi’s eyes widen and the Hyuga Heiress sputters helplessly as Naruto can’t help but grin. Finally, he was getting somewhere! Finally, he had an ally who would rein Hanabi in and-

“What makes Satsuki Uchiha so special, hm? Why would you draw her into a threesome with your new boyfriend… before me?”

Wait what?

Oooh, so close.

Ignoring Kurama’s background commentary, Naruto just stares as Hinata looks up from her panicking sister and gives him a very clear once over. From the way she licks her ruby red lips, it’s obvious that this Evil Doppelganger version of Hinata Hyuga very much likes what she sees. But then what was all of that in the genjutsu?! A test?!

“You knew I had you in a genjutsu the entire time, didn’t you Naruto Uzumaki? But you let me think I’d gotten one over on you anyways, while also answering all of my questions truthfully. Curious…”

“What?! Hinata, why would you put Naruto into a genjutsu of all things?!”

Looking back to her younger sister, Hinata reaches out and gently caresses Hanabi’s cheek with her fingers.

“Because, Hanabi, if I had found out that he was using your connections to try and get into my panties, I would have cracked his mind open like an egg and left him a jibbering, insane mess for the rest of his days, regardless of who his mother was. Or at least, I would have tried. You are a hidden prodigy, aren’t you Uzumaki?”

Even though that last part is directed at Naruto, it’s Hanabi who’s quickest to answer, a triumphant tone and a victorious grin on her face.

“He beat Satsuki Uchiha in a duel fair and square!”

Even as Hinata’s brow begins to climb in astonishment at that statement, Naruto is already shaking his head.

“No I didn’t. Our spar was interrupted.”

Hanabi looks upset that he’s calling her out on her lie.

“But you definitely would have won!”

He definitely would have, but Naruto still shakes his head again.

“We don’t know that for sure.”

Cheeks puffing out, Hanabi stomps over to him and grabs Naruto by the front of his shirt, pulling him close so she can whisper-hiss at him.

“Stop. Talking. I’m trying to talk you up!”

Before Naruto can respond, Hinata giggles and draws both of their attention. The much more confident, much more salaciously dressed version of the Hyuga Kunoichi twirls a lock of her hair around one finger as she considers Naruto and Hanabi and hums.

“You’ve found a good man, Hanabi. One who refuses to let you over-inflate his ego.”

A moment later though, Hinata’s eyes narrow as she spears her sister with a glare again.

“That still doesn’t explain why Satsuki Uchiha got to go first ahead of me. Am I not your darling older sister, Hanabi?”

Blanching at the dangerous tone Hinata has suddenly taken, Hanabi is quick to shake her head and wave her hands in front of her.

“S-Satsuki was just an opportunity I could ill afford to pass up, Hinata! Please understand, I simply didn’t want the chance to slip through my fingers! Of course I always intended to include you as soon as possible!”

Did she really? Or was she just saying that to placate her seductress of an older sister? Naruto frowns, even as Hinata hums for a moment before smiling beatifically.

“Very well. I believe you.”

Then, without missing a beat, the love child of Kurenai Yuhi and Anko Mitarashi’s attention and training saunters over to Naruto and Hanabi, grabs her sister by the shoulder, and yanks them both down to the ground.

Just like in the genjutsu, Hinata is crouched in front of him again. This time however, she’s the one looking up at him instead of down. As well, this time around she has Hanabi who squawks but stabilizes herself right beside her.

“Well then sister… shall we get started?”

Hanabi looks up at him right alongside Hinata and gives him white-filled puppy dog eyes of the highest caliber.

“Please Naruto? Let us take care of you?”

How is he possibly supposed to say no when looking down into the sisters’ eyes as they crouch before him. After all, he’d already told Hanabi that he would let it happen if Hinata were actually amenable.

… Go with the flow, Naruto. Go with the flow.

“Sure. Go ahead and take care of me.”

The Hyuga Sisters don’t miss a beat. Together, like they’ve trained for this or something, they reach out and quickly pull forth his cock from its confines, freeing his length from his pants in a just a few deft moves. That’s when Hanabi first hesitates though, while Hinata doesn’t miss a beat. The younger can only follow after the older as Hinata brings her lips and tongue up to one side of his cock, quickly beginning to lick up and down his length while keeping her all-white eyes fixed on his face the entire time.

Hanabi joins her sister on the other side and Naruto watches them with hooded eyes, his cock throbbing and at fully erect in no time under their efforts. Their close proximity leaves their bodies pressing against one another as they start to moan in between licking and slurping at his dick. From what Naruto can see of them, they’re getting a little handsy with each other as well, no doubt initiated by Hinata.

Alright, so this Hinata isn’t who he thought he was getting today. That’s… fine. She’s a very different woman from the one Naruto remembers, but he should have expected as much. He’d never encountered the Hinata of this world before now, so he’d been leaning too heavily on his memories from the previous world.

In a way, this was a very good lesson for Naruto, and one he was glad to learn now when the stakes were lowest rather than when they might be higher down the line. There were a lot of people outside of the village who Naruto had encountered in his other life but not in this life. He couldn’t assume they would all be the same, at the end of the day.

Letting out a sigh, Naruto places a hand on top of Hanabi and Hinata’s heads, looking down into their eyes as they gaze up at him while going to town on his cock. Then, he considers just how he’s going to handle these two.



Kurama's just vibing, isn't she? A true kitsune through and through...


Ug I hate clone sex


I don’t get why people hate clone sex. The harem Naruto stories where the harem insists on his “real body” piss me off. Especially if the clone is an improved version of the shadow clone that doesn’t pop easily. It is still his mind and his memories.