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Good morning everyone!

- This is a Quality of life update for you guys, i want to trim away all of the wasted time you guys spend with unnecessary hindrances.  Below i show you changes the changes i'm making in my mods but also a new shader that i really encourage you to get, this shader will bring the highest quality there is for my future mods releases, but not just mine also other moders work too.

A: New Shader update release by Hanmen

New Wetness function (ExGloss) with the HQ textures. Remember, that the wetness transparency relies on Occlusion Map alpha channel to work, not all clothing in the game actually has it. So if you want to add wetness transparency to the clothing, you need to bake it by yourself and then composite it to the Occlusion Map alpha channel
2: Working correctly with my Next-Gen Skin shaders shadowcasters. While vanilla AIT shaders do not casting shadows on NG shaders this shaders fixing this issue.
3: New AlphaMaster slider (Alpha shaders only) for easier control of transparency in ME.
4: Alpha Fresnel settings (Alpha shaders only)
5: Translucency function has been added. This is built-in Unity translucency, so this is exact copy of what vanilla AIT/shaders are using.
6: Blending modes for Alpha shaders has been added

Just drag and drop this updated shader to your mods folder: you can download the shader here for free: Clothing Shaders for ME [AI*HS2] v1.81 (gumroad.com)

Or you can download the shader from the attatchment below

B: Zipmods are will be compacted starting from today, this means instead of getting 12 separated Zip mods, you will get only 1 zip mod which will contain all of the mods for the current outfit, this will reduce the weight of the zip mod but you also reduce cramping your folder with all of them.

Thank you! 



Tristan Wayne

Hello long time no see. I wanted to thank for your mods. All your Effort. Thanks Mod God. Or Get Tight Crazy :D