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Is almost summer time! and you know what that means? Summer studio contest! 

I'm working really hard to have all this items ready for you!!!  this beach assets are not free and they are kind of pricy but I'm spending the love and support you guys are giving to buy this assets and have them ready for my patreons <3~ 




Please let me know if you are Hype for this Jet ski! haha


Will this mod contain everything as shown on the picture, swim fins and so on ?


yes hopefully! the assets are 100 dollars but i don't mind spending for my patreons!


to be honest, just the swim fins and nothing else : )

Getdowncrazy (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-30 23:36:48 haha ill make sure i get those on the load! &lt;3
2021-06-03 20:46:58 haha ill make sure i get those on the load! <3

haha ill make sure i get those on the load! <3