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Here is a quick build dedicated to quality of life improvements. I renamed the inner project from Radiant to OBF for reasons I will reveal later, for now make sure you copy saves and presets from Radiant folder to OBF folders.

  • Fluids are now displayed at each barn
  • Q hotkey can be used for quick actions at barns and breeding yards
  • Nephelym lists are now sorted alphabetically
  • Details are displayed by default when interacting with roamers
  • Project renamed from Radiant to OBF (this will make sense later)
  • Copy and paste added for faces in creator mode
  • Fixed Mega Slime's dialogue


Gerald Smart

This sounds fantastic, I can't wait to get home and download it!?


I'm still surprised more and more animations are getting disabled for breeding, I would have thought that, having at lease the default animation would be there for all.


Still, it's really curious to know the reasons for renaming the project to OBF, but I understand your desire to tell this later. Okay


the game shuts down after I select next in character creator upon starting a new game or loading an existing game..


Thank for the alphabetical organization its save me time catching peps in order to satisfied me and not to release all of them when i mess up.


I reset wattman settings and changed from ultra to high and it has worked perfect for 30 min so this is prolly the fix I needed to do on my end for the update , this is the only release i have had this issue with


What was wrong with the mega slime dialog?


Oh yes niiice <3 I can't wait for the update on steam. I love to wait for it so it's a lot of changes at the same time and I have lot of new stuff to discover and test hihi


This update is huge for me. so many QOL improvements. Thank you.


so glad that we got the details when interacting with roamers! makes it soooo much easier to look for one with the starting traits that you want. good on you m8!

landon sills

I love the tenticle idea alot. sure wasnt expecting it from this game. Hope to see more!


Just keeps getting better and better! ^^ Thank you DerelictHelmsman for your awesome work!


Can ANYONE help guide me, please? I'm new and cannot figure out how to "breed". keeps prompting me to select giver, even though I am.


How or where do I catch foxen, neph ???


Foxen are caught where you catch Vulvarg aswell from your house to the city go down the left path(before you reach the breed request board) In the city talk to the pink Neko(cat lady) she is standing close to the Cow and build Foxen and Vulvarg sheds Now go and suprise sex the foxen and catch them afterwards If you are playing a female character you need to catch male or futa nephelyms to breed The giver must always have a dick then you just keep having sex between the 2 nephelyms you want to breed until the female or futa gets pregnant


Thanks again! And will the Foxen be found in the shed after it is built or do i have to look some place else?


There’s a quite detailed wiki on this game, with the map and tips on how to start it, helps a lot!


Where is the radiant folder to transfer saves and presets to the OBF one? I cannot find it.

Frbrbr Grblgrr

sorry for how late this is. For me it's Local Disk C > Users > MyUsername > AppData > Local > OBF EDIT: You can also go into your search bar (the one when you click on the windows icon to shut the PC down / beside that icon on windows 10) and typed %appdata% then just click the AppData folder up top to get to Local as it will probably open up Roaming.

Eric Benjamin

Is there a way to return a gate sphere key/ball to Mega Slime? I do not want her to keep sobbing. I want to make it right. I have obtained a sphere to give her but I can not drop it from my inventory. Also, can I breed a companion to keep her entertained? I find her to be a very interesting character, individuals with real life struggles are very interesting for me.

Eric Benjamin

I posted some years back on how I would like to find sheep nephelym that I can shave for wool to make clothes to either sell or to dress up my nephelym. An arachnid nephelym for spider webs to toss at nephelym that run away from the breeder or maybe silk spun clothes?

Eric Benjamin

Any chance the bunnies, bats and goblins could look more loli? Cute anime eyes or and more flat chested?

Eric Benjamin

Any chance for interactions with captured nephelym other than sex? I would like to play fetch with vulwargs, (causes strength increase), hide and go seek with foxen and risu (playful bonus). Maybe a gift system to earn affection points?

Eric Benjamin

Will Risu/rabbits get a furry face option? Like Haru from "Beast Stars"? Would be cool if the rabbit eggs had little gifts/tokens or something.

Eric Benjamin

For the Star Fallen, I was thinking how cool it would be if there were an Alien Queen that abducts you and you have to pass an intense sex machine test that required some additional gamer skill beyond the usual make the nephelym climax first? If you win you get some sort of prize.