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J T'sonia

Just some food for thought, but it would be nice if we could actually have more control over the traits. while using creators mode or in general. I have a harpy that I like(I think she looks cool), but she can't breed, because of inbreeding and she's on a old build. been trying to recreate her, but I can't assign traits.

Joseph Tiberio

does the steam version auto update


quick question where are the cheats


yes the steam version auto updates but do you really want people on your friends list to see an adult game?


I simply have an alternate account and the save game is there. No one knows...


I just don't care if they see it or not


see an adult game? my game list, and online presence is private


hey you know what would be Awesome if the monster that have wings would let you fly in spirit form


Looking great. I'm excited for more breeding yard poses. Keep up the great work!


id love my nephelem to freeroam the ranch (or like pic my favorites and enable them) and mate in the wild as well


do I download a separate client for these builds or is it through steam too? I'm confused.


Either works, you can select the Beta Opt in for steam and with the Build Codes then select the development branches for the Early Builds and Testing Builds depending on your patreon status, as well as the regular Steam Releases. Alternatively you have the option to not use the steam versions and go for the builds linked here. It's a matter of choice.


So what was actually implemented on this? Is there a changelog somewhere I'm just too stupid to notice?


As I was... Just needed to scroll down a tiny bit more...


Coding flying would mean a ton more coding, and, most likely, a ton more bugs.


While playing I realised a couple of things that could help the QoL of the game; 1, when interacting with wild nephs, it could help to add a dismiss option under fluids and suprise that makes them run off and despawn similar to the pawn rift in dragons dogma. 2, More robust filter options With the ability to make custom tags and filter via those custom tags, at this point just getting 2 of each race is enough to clutter the menus beyond usability. 3, This one is probably coming later anyway but there needs to be an "end game" what do you do with them once you actually make the perfect neph (with all the right stats and traits and none of the traits you don't like) once you hit that point the game loop becomes boring.


Thank you for developing this beautiful sexy game, I feel quite addicted, and became a Connoiseur of Lust after playing for many hours already :) A few little thoughts which might add to the QoL and convenience, they may already be in development ? 1) Toggleable Auto-run, bindable to a mouse key, would make moving around easier 2) When the Nephelym grab you for surprise encounter, there is an electronic alert sound, but a gasp of surprise/distress would really make that more visceral, in fact the existing random 'jump' sounds seem to fit very nicely, as I noticed by coincidence ! 3) Tab target cycling of Nephelym, they can get difficult to select when crowding around you 4) Being able to visibly preview Nephylym during sale or jobs, so you know for sure which one you are losing. 5) Can we store our customised Spirit form to load up again in a new game ? Anyhow, loving it :)


Awesome game so far. I just joined under the testing mode with steam, and I noticed that now the dialogue the blessed nephelym used to say during sex scenes when I played on the regular steam version isn't there.


New to this game - And I´m very impressed … I have one question, where is the save files located precisely ? So that I can do a backup (just i case). Thx


I cant seem to find the hell hounds, anyone got some advice? I have run out of ideas on where to look, found every thing else though... please help! lol


https://breedersofthenephelym.miraheze.org/wiki/Nephelym look und hybrid


Alright! Thanks! Lol, no wonder couldn't find it, have to breed it. Gottcha.