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Cool man, but I still pray for 1 handed control


Quick breeding: why 4 secs to be wait from every "quick"?


Someone's Offspring's Offspring (sterile) during incest with "grand-father" (lol) its correct that with "quick" show the message "Someone's Offspring's Offspring has up" everytime?


*has level up (sorry: missing "level")


Sorry but it's not about the "'s Offspring" but that if you try to breed with quick show "has level up" and if you try with "start" show "XXX's Offspring's Offspring is sterile" (or something like that) ... can be a bug?


Settings: Body Composition "on" Hybrids "on" Hominal Females "on" Pregnancy "on" Other settings: "off" Area: all Give fluid to a female, "catch" it and DON'T MOVE: sometime the "interact" still remain and you can catch a (for example) "Wild Bovaur: NULL"


If I can give two suggestion on "save": - show saving date and time - allow to rename (too many slot with "breeder" lool )


There's a way for file name to be named differently-when you're making character,you have option to also rename character,not just preset.That way name of the save will be after whatever you name your ingame character.Hope this cleared it up for you.But also,nice suggestion by you.


With me the game crashes but only with this. For other games with the same engine, Has anyone had the same problems?


I can't load my old save file ...it show me "Slot 0 is not compatible". Did anyone get the same problem? Is that a mistake? or normal situation ? so i have to restart a new game? i don't want lose my Nephelym....Plz..


It sounds it is just that, not compatible. Safe bet to start a new game everytime a new patch drops. DH has enabled cheats which let's you rebuild very quickly. Good luck!


Forget, either the letter "O" or the number zero. It gives 1 million currency I believe. Be sure to enable cheats via the settings.


are balls for futa something that will come soon?


Derelict has stated no. They have no interest in doing such.