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  • maya_2023-11-16_19-17-29.mp4
  • maya_2023-11-17_00-23-16.mp4



Time is moving really fast these last few weeks!   I've been continuing more or less on the same stuff this week, but I'm going to take a shift from just working on the animations to building all the blockouts for the tutorial update I've been trying to do.

I've been wanting to complete each section completely as I go.  But having all the animations completely done is gonna add a lot of time to get each section out.  So I plan to shift to having each section complete except the animations, and then slot them in as I complete them.  

This will give me a little more to show off, and I can at least know that the mechanics are all explained in game.

Other than that I'm gonna continue to work on getting some new old monsters in game in some capacity as soon as I can.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday, and stay safe!


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